Sunday, October 4, 2009

So...which one was it?

This sign that advertises an outlet center says, "Every second person at this bus stop didn't know what to wear this morning."

So....was it the guy or the gal?


Petrea Burchard said...

I love this shot! It catches my eye. And I'd say it's the woman. She looks fine, but I think some men (perhaps this one) don't think about it much.

Gaelyn said...

They both look dressed OK to me. But then for me it's a no brainer getting dressed at least four days a week. Just put on a clean uniform. Sure is a funny sign though.

Thérèse said...

Interesting thought which is probably true. I always know in the evening what to wear the next day but change often my mind in the morning... lol

Chuck Pefley said...

I wonder if that would be the same as "second guessing"?

xxx said...

that's great!

what's an 'outlet center'?

best wishes

Pat said...

Hi, Ribbon. An outlet center is a kind of mall (place with multiple shops) that sells name-brand clothing, shoes, etc. at reduced prices. Usually, though not always, this is merchandise with some tiny flaw, or else for example, in colors no longer fashionable.

Julie said...

that could be a very insulting sign. I am surprised people don't put graffiti on it. good catch.

Alexa said...

Are there two more people here just out of camera range? Not that I ever look like I gave it any thought, but they both appear to have grabbed the first thing in they found in the closet (although his shoes do match his jacket). :~} Nice moment, Bibi.

marley said...

Lol! That is brilliant! Great photo.

Tash said...

From personal experience, I'm sure the man knew just what to put on this morning.
Does 'immo' do good business? My recollection is that Beogradani will not buy outdated colors.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.