Thursday, October 29, 2009

To be a kid again....

When's the last time you had so much fun that you lost yourself in the moment? This little boy was having a great time chasing away the pigeons that were being fed old bread by an elderly couple just off to the right.

He chased the pigeons madly for a few moments, then all of a sudden reached down, took a piece of their bread, and popped it in his mouth, much to the horror of his grandparents who, up until then, were enjoying the entire spectacle!


Gaelyn said...

The picture and little boy are absolutely bursting with joy.
Yes, we can get lost in a moment of utter bliss.

Lowell said...

Wonderful photo, Bibi! The expression on his face is priceless! I'd like to have seen the expression on the faces of his grandparents when he popped that bread into his mouth!

Virginia said...

Oh Bibi,
This is just my all time favorite of yours. It's just magical and I smiled the minute it came up. What a moment you caught. Bravo.

Tash said...

You got that look of sheer joy on his face. Splendid.

Mara said...

Lovely photo and I love the story as well. I am with Jacob though: would have loved to see the expression on his grandparents' faces!

Pat said...

Jacob/Mara, I'm afraid I wasn't too fast on catching Grandma and Grandpa; I was laughing too hard. No VR on the lens I was using either, ha, ha.

Thérèse said...

En effet on se réconcilie facilement avec la vie avec une telle photo...

B SQUARED said...

Wonderful expression that you have captured so well.

soulbrush said...

oh the freedom and relaxedness and safety of youth...sigh.

Alexa said...

Aaaawww. Too cute. At least he didn't reach down and pick up one of the birds (as I saw a little girl do in Venice)! His grandparents would probably love to have this photo.

James said...

A wonderfully captured moment. This photo would go nicely with a photo that I took in Paris of an elderly couple in a similar scene.

Kristin - The Goat said...

Ah!! I laughed right out loud! :)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.