Wednesday, November 25, 2009

ABC Wednesday--"S" is for "Sonorous Saturday"

It's that time of year again....the season of 'slavas,' which are Orthodox Serbs' saints' days. I've explained last year. Some of the local Roma or gypsy population here wander through neighborhoods trying to earn some money by playing music. One definition of 'sonorous' is
"full and loud, deep, heavy sounds," and these two guys played true to form last Saturday afternoon, the day of the Saint Archangel slava. Like others in my building, I clipped some money with a clothespin and tossed it down to them. You can see that the drummer spotted me and my camera...!

Post your entry for ABC WEDNESDAY!


Wayne said...

So, in a nutshell, you're paying them to go and play in another street :)

Leif Hagen said...

Were they like a loud, bad alarm clock?

Tash said...

Cestitam vam Slavu!
Da li se jos uvek zuvu cigani tamo? Ili su isto Roma/Romani? I still remember the songs from Olivera Vuco from Skupljaci Perja. I don't think I ever saw the movie but love 'haj, cobane, haj romane'
The drummer must be the most gorgeous Roma ever.

Gaelyn said...

What an interesting celebration. Hope the music was appealing.

Thérèse said...

I like Wayne's comment!
I hope they don't start too early in the morning...

Mara said...

Well, if you will be serenaded by two handsome looking blokes, you might as well loose a clothespin over it!

Obelix said...

The right part of photo is better, imho. The perspective, his dedication, colours... nice one!

B SQUARED said...

That would never work here.

Virginia said...

Probably worth that offering! Love that view from above!

marley said...

Did they sound any good?

The one blowing is really giving it some!

Alexa said...

Yes, the drummer caught you—but you caught him! Nicely done. (And ha ha, Wayne.)

Roger Owen Green said...

yes, a very sonic post.

btw, your abc wednesday link is wacky; got here anyway.

PJ said...

I love this, I hope they made lots of money for bringing such a wonderful ruckus to everyone.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.