Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

No turkey for me today, since I am working and can't possibly celebrate in style, so I am doing Thanksgiving this Saturday! But I am thankful today for many things: my wonderful children, friends I've known for many years, new friends I've made through blogging and in recent years, my so-far good health, and for my husband, now gone, but who remains with me every day.

I'm also thankful right now that the little dog, Jackson, that I took in off the street has found a home. A colleague of mine adopted him, and in this photo you see him playing in his new home with her dog, Borko. The two are perfectly suited; it's a perpetual game to see who runs out of energy first. By the way, that's a happy show of teeth on Jackson's part.

Are you counting your blessings today?


PJ said...

This is such a happy, happy portrait, all the colors, the look on their faces, all pure joy. I'm so glad you found a forever home for Jackson, great job, Bibi. Enjoy your Saturday, Thanksgiving is any day you want it to be.

Gaelyn said...

So glad Jackson found a home with Borko. Looks like they're having fun. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, every day of the week.

Kate said...

Yes, I am indeed counting my blessings today; I am so lucky to have my children and grandkids closeby to enjoy. I have come upon the information about your husband's death belatedly, but, nonetheless, wish to offer my condolences. Your comments about him still being with you every day speaks volumes about your relationship. said...

aww Bibi, what a beautiful post. I am thankful I got to meet you in person when you were in NY and I am also thankful I get to visit your blog whenever I can to see the beautiful pictures you take & read the beautiful things you write like you did today.
& I am so glad Jackson has found a home! That is such wonderful news, a real happy ending.
Happy Thanksgiving friend!
: )

Louis la Vache said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Bibi!

Long, long time no see!

B SQUARED said...

Enjoy the day (saturday).

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» was VERY happy to see you had stopped by!

Leif Hagen said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Bibi, and doggies! Cute snap on a handsome rug! All the best from EAGAN - blessings to you and yours

Thérèse said...

Happy Happy Thanks Giving Bibi today, tomorrow and on Saturday!

Virginia said...

Glad to know Jackson is smiling cause those little teeth look sharp!!! Glad it's a happy ending for him.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving on Saturday Bibi. We all love you too!

Mara said...

That is something to be thankful about! He looks like he is in good company.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Petrea Burchard said...

Happy, happy day! Good for you for taking care of Jackson and finding him a happy home. Every day is Thanksgiving, isn't it?

Glennis said...

Lovely to see such happy rescued dogs. Welll done!

Jilly said...

Oh brilliant, Bibi. Jackson has a home. Well done to you for taking him in and caring for him till a home was found. I know this isn't always easy. He looks so happy with his new friend, Borko.

Alexa said...

I'm thankful for so many things, among them my many good blog friends—so glad I got to meet you face-to-face this year, Bibi.
Lovely to see young Jackson happily ensconced in his new home, and with a built-in playmate to boot!

Antoine said...

Superb capture and the dogs are very beautiful. Have a lovely week-end. Antoine.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.