Sunday, November 15, 2009

Moving van

This car is a moving van wannabe, with the sofa balancing precariously on its roof, and a washing machine stuffed into the trunk. Watch out for those speed bumps!


Gaelyn said...

It's so hard to get help to move, especially from friends with big trucks. Sure hope they make it to their destination. Fun capture.

Tash said...

ingenious! without the washing machine the couch would not balance right. Hatchbacks are so useful. Fun capture, 'Bibi'

Lowell said...

Don't laugh, I did the same thing one time in Texas years ago. Well, I didn't have a washing machine in the truck, but did have a sofa on the roof. Scary ride for sure!

Tash said...

PS - I got caught up on your "bookshelf". Great stuff on there & no fair being tri-lingual (or is it more than that?) I enjoyed Secret Life (good on tape), loved Life of Pi (which is a better story?... and so it goes with God), I've owned Pillars for a while and am ready to read it after your recommendation, read Irving Stone's Vincent years ago (don't know how accurate it is), and liked the Bill Bryson - his Walk in the Woods had me in stitches.

Unknown said...

Hello Bibi,
It's nice that I found your photoblog...

with a lot of nice picture and its descriptions.

Let me give you,
my warm greetings,


Thérèse said...

The rope seems very thin compare to the sofa...
Don't you wish they had put a plush teddy bear on it? :-)

Mara said...

I saw a car like that one in my town once (without the washing machine though). It was stopped by police and they were ordered to either use a roofrack or hire a trailer! The roof was buckling underneath the weight!

Ineke said...


soulbrush said...

you see this a lot in africa.

Virginia said...

I'm LOL> Something about this whole scenario reminded me of the two guys toting the new toliet down the streets of the Marais in Paris!

Jilly said...

Love the story this tells or at least the one I'm imagining in my mind.

marley said...

That is funny! But very familliar!

I spent the weekend helping a friend move, without a van. We all have small cars, but managed quite well. Thankfully no sofas on roofs!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.