Saturday, November 14, 2009

All the news that's fit to print

"All the news that's fit to print" is the motto of the New York Times. Not sure if the text on this bra and panties was taken from the NYT, and I wonder if anyone will take the time to read it.


marley said...

I'm studying it closely! Lol! Great find :)

Lowell said...

Great eye. If the right person were wearing it, I could take all night reading this paper!

Alexa said...

I'm gonna say not the NY Times (wrong font, for starters))—but that probably wouldn't stop certain (male in particular) people from studying these undies rather closely.

Thérèse said...

Cela m'a fait penser à la jupe portant une fermeture éclair du haut en bas que nous avons vue hier dans un magasin... Le genre de vêtement qui attire le regard des hommes et des femmes pour des raisons différentes... :-)
Bien vu Bibi.

Hilda said...

Hahaha, I know some men who will! ;)

Virginia said...

I knew Jacob and Marley, our "Dynamic Duo" of blogland would have something to say!! Well stop by my Paris blog today. You and I were on the same track!

Now about the lingerie, clever idea. Maybe "no news is good news?" :)

Clueless in Boston said...

I've always been a newshound, so I like this set a lot. Looks like the stock market is going up:)

Tash said...

Too funny! Esp. Debate & Underwear daily!!! I woonder if it would be too distracting for the newshound boyfriend/husband.

Chuck Pefley said...

I'd say that's all news print to fit -:)

soulbrush said...


Juliette said...

In a much more aesthetic way, your fetching picture reminds me of my first stay in Italy many years ago. To my dismay, the household I was staying with had set out sheets of newspaper to be used in the water closet. I could only imagine the headlines reversed you-know-where.

Marie-Noyale said...

Not very discreet under a white blouse!!!

Jilly said...

What a hoot!

PJ said...

I'll leave it to the men to make the best observations. It is really funny.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.