Sunday, November 22, 2009

Roast lamb

I try not to think of little white wooly creatures when I devour, on a rare occasion, I must admit, roast lamb. My son took me out to dinner about a week ago at a new ethno restaurant called Pahuljica or "Snowflake." Ethno restaurants, serving home-cooked, 'like Grandma used to make' dishes, are the in thing now among Belgraders and tourists flock to them. This roast lamb was served over potatoes that had been roasted below the entire lamb, absorbing its juices. Added were a red roast pepper below, and a fresh green one on top. Sorry the photo is a little hands wanted to hold the knife and fork, not the camera.....

If you read Serbian, check out the restaurant at this link. If you don't, have a look at the photos right here, but you won't see any food....I'll go back...


Lowell said...

Mary had a little lamb,
It's fleece was nice and new
But soon poor Mary's little lamb
Ended up as stew!

Heh. Heh.

Never developed a taste for little lambs myself and Lois Anne is a vegan, so we don't eat a lot of meat in our house or in restaurants.

But, for the meat eater, this is a delicious photo!

Alexa said...

Yum! I can almost taste it. Let's face it—all the best food is like "Grandma used to make" (and if I could find a restaurant that serves food like MY grandma made, I'd be there every night). I'm at my mom's; she says hi, Bibi.

Leif Hagen said...

Delicious food! Looks like yummy "comfort food!"

Gaelyn said...

I so rarely eat lamb, but do like it. The combination with potatoes sounds delish and the presentation is very nice. How nice to go to dinner with your son.
If I thought about what the things I eat looked like before I eat them I'd probably starve. That includes fruits and vegies.

Mara said...

I'm drooling now! It looks really scrumptious.

Antjas said...

I can just taste it as I actually had the exact same thing three nights ago at a restaurant called Sabur. They had slow roasted it over a fire and you were right, the potatoes had soaked up all juices. Mine was $22, I bet yours was a lot less and you seem to have gotten a lot more lamb!

James said...

It's been a long time since I've had lamb. It was a very spicy dish and very good, lamb vindaloo.

Rob Siemann said...

That looks like the best food ever! Yep, this 'grandma' is a star!

Karine said...

This looks delicious! thanks for sharing :)

Tash said...

I missed commenting on this one when I 1st looked it. Looks so delicious. My grandmother (the one I always talk about) was from Knin (she married a Serbian & converted to Pravoslavnost) - but she loved spit roasted lamb. I took her for what was her last trip to Knin in 1984 and we had some lamb at a restaurant where they had a fireplace/spit inside. Because it was a weekday, the lamb was prepared for advance orders only, but they were kind and gave a nice portion to her.

Tash said...

PS - "pahuljica" is one of my favorite S-C words - sounds so light and airy, as it is.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.