Friday, November 27, 2009

SKYWATCH FRIDAY--Moon over urban landscape

Fiddling with a fish-eye attachment (not sure I want to splurge on a real lens) yielded this Skywatch Friday shot from a friend's balcony during the last full moon. There are no stars visible here; all washed out by the lights on the ground. It's at times like this when I recall the NATO bombing blackouts....lots of stars visible then!

Why don't you join SKYWATCH FRIDAY?


John B. said...

Cool photo! Fisheyes have such a weird effect.

Happy Thanksgiving!

vincibene said...

Beautiful interesting picture!

eileeninmd said...

It is a cool photo of the night lights. Well done.

Coffeedoff said...

Great shot!, Interesting photo!

marley said...

Hi Bibi

I'm having a few days off from commenting. But just wanted to say I loved your nun puns in relation to my post on Thursday.

You can't beat a good pun. Made my day :)

Have a good weekend.

Jossie said...

Interesting picture!

Gaelyn said...

That's a very interesting affect you got with the fish eye and a nice moon shot too.
Also an interesting view. Is that a road over a parking lot?

Glennis said...

Lovely shot, it kind of looks like the city is floating under the moon.

Leif Hagen said...

Great night photo of the moon! I still haven't managed to take a good moon shot!

Petrea Burchard said...

Quite a memory, Bibi. You seem to have a sense of humor about it. It must have been an amazing time.

Your photo's a stunner.

Unknown said...

interesting shot! the full moon is always a beautiful subject.

Bradley Hsi said...

Very nice, what kind of fisheye attachment?

Kaori said...

Very cool photo! The moon is really beautiful against the dark sky!

Pat said...

Grace and Bradley, it's an attachment you can read about right

ninja said...

Better with lights, isn't it. Superb capture!

Lori Skoog said...

What a fabulous shot!

Thérèse said...

Such a nice effect with a friendly spy in the sky! said...

It's amazing how the lights wash out the sky. I love going out to the country where there are little lights and many stars.
Such a cool shot, this lens looks like it would be fun to play with!

Light and Voices said...

Usage of that fisheye lens absolutely made this photograph my favorite skywatch image posted this week.

Lowell said...

I love this, Bibi! I've got a fisheye "attachment," too but it doesn't do as good a job as this one...and, like, you, don't really want to spend the money for a good fisheye lens!

But I'm impressed with the level of sharpness here. Just a great photo!

PJ said...

That's fantastic Bibi, the effect is outstanding. I would love to have a fish-eye lens - or an attachment, anything. Happy SWF!

Tash said...

Oh my gosh! This photo is fantastic. You sure fiddle great.
My aunt (dad's 1st cousin's wife) was in Beograd during the bombing with her brother's family. I cannot imaging going thru that.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.