Wednesday, December 9, 2009

ABC Wednesday "U" is for "Unsafe?" =="Untrue!"

Belgrade is not unsafe!! Although I've staged a hold-up here with two pairs of salt and pepper shakers and a tiny toy gun, Belgrade is a surprisingly safe city, both for its inhabitants and visitors. In all my time here, I have never been aggressed in any way, aside of course from being sworn at by drivers who feel they own the entire road.

It would be untrue if I told you there was no crime at all, but on a daily basis, most Belgradians and foreigners feel the city streets are safe. If you click here, you can read several opinions supporting this claim.

Why don't you join ABC WEDNESDAY?


Sylvia K said...

What a fun post for the day, Bibi! I love it! And colorful, too!

Enjoy your day!


Rinkly Rimes said...

A whimsical hold-up!

And most alarmist news reports of crime etc are just that ....alarmist.

Wayne said...

A very cute shot. My salt and pepper shakers aren't nearly so animated.

mrsnesbitt said...

Loved this! Real imagination for ABC Wednesday! Thanx for participating!

marley said...

Lol! Fun photo today.

Tumblewords: said...

What fun this is. I believe your every word and love the cleverness of your staged message!

Anonymous said...

Nice photo. I like the scene.

Lowell said...

Perhaps you should seek a job in the theater. Or write plays. Fun and funky foto. How in the world did you find a tiny little gun?

Are all the people in Belgrade this small? ;-)

Kim, USA said...

Good thing you feel safe up there. But your toys are so cute. Thanks for sharing.

My ABC Wednesday Here

Gaelyn said...

Adorable set up with the S&P shakers. Los Angeles is probably a much less safe place.

Unknown said...

That is a really great picture of some salt and pepper shakers : ) Perfect! I am glad your city is safe. I live in a suburb of Philadelphia and I usually feel safe too. Some places in the city can be a little scary. I am thankful for the feeling of safety in our neighborhood. It is nice to know my son can play without fear of danger!

PJ said...

Bibi, that is the funniest thing evah! I'm howling! I think you've started a trend, The Salt and Pepper Shaker Blog, seriously (drying my tears, sniff, sniff, honk).

Q said...

So very creative!
I think I will get my s&p out for a spin.

Alexa said...

Hey, I believe you. And the same is true here in NYC —though I also have some S&P shakers that I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley! (Very clever, Bibi!) said...

oh my gosh these guys are adorable!
great U post. I am glad to hear you live in a safe city Bibi.
: )

Chuck Pefley said...

Very clever, Bibi! Must have been a slow day in your kitchen -:)

The only city I've ever had any significant aggressive behavior issues in was Saint Paul, Minnesota ... of all places! Not just once, but twice with two different street people. NYC, as Alexa says, has felt very safe to me ... contrary to a fairly popular notion otherwise.

photowannabe said...

Very clever and original way to make a point about your adopted country. I'm glad you feel safe in your city.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee
Is it because there are no 7-11s to rob?

MaR said...

I hope it is true!! lovely composition, the shakers are too cute!!

U is for unoccupied

Frank said...

You could NOT have staged a better scene and cast of characters to make a very good point about your incredible city. I am no longer surprised when we travel to Europe to find folks who really think we have cowboys and Indians running around everywhere in the US. Or that gun fights break out on every street corner. It's an impression that is hard to change.

You are making great progress in a very creative way to change people's ideas and fight the media. Love your posts!

B SQUARED said...

Maybe it is a safe city but those salt and pepper shakers, pretty darn aggressive.

Gunn said...

Different, interesting and FUN!:-)

Roger Owen Green said...

So how is the shaker actually holding the gun? Is it glued? Taped? Wotta HOOT!

Rose said...

Very creative way of illustrating your message! I must admit the red and white shakers do look a little bit like masked bandits:)

Pat said...

Hi, Roger! I Scotch-taped the little plastic gun to the shaker....bang.

Unknown said...

Hi your blog is the first one I'm more or less constantly flowing. I stumbled upon it accidentally while looking for some information on Belgrade US embassy !:) (when I got my Green card last year) It's such a refreshing blog, I don't know why but every time i read trough it it makes me feel better. Even thou some of the pictures and the stories are sad.


Olivier said...

très bonne idée et mise en scène, j'aime beaucoup, comme toi, jouer avec des petits personnages :)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.