Thursday, December 10, 2009

Seeing double

Okay, how many of you over-a-certain-agers started humming the Wrigley's Doublemint Gum ditty, 'Double your pleasure, double your fun...."? I remember an older version than the one right here, but it's still good.


Njanja said...

Great Stories! Love the Pics! Bibi, Are You on the Twitter too? If Yes, I would Follow you! IoI

Unknown said...

are they twin?

I thought so...

B SQUARED said...

The hair is just a little different, but, close enough for government work.

Thérèse said...

Les jumeaux troublent toujours mon esprit de par leurs histoires surtout...

Gaelyn said...

Doublely delightful capture Bibi!
Yes, I started to hum. ;-)

Chuck Pefley said...

Ah, yes ... double your pleasure, double your fun with Doublemint, Doublemint, Doublemint gum. Yeah. I do remember that tune. -:)

Leif Hagen said...

Well, since I'm an identical twin myself . . . I would have asked them:
1. Who is older?
2. By how many minutes?
3. Do you always dress alike?
4. Did you ever switch classes in school like we did?

MY answers: I'm older by 9 minutes, we never dress alike and we DID often switch classes!

Tash said...

they are soooo pretty! and look very sweet too.
They were doing the commercials again recently, so I won't date myself ;)

Marie Reed said...

That's EXACTLY the theme I started singing before I even read the post!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.