Monday, December 7, 2009

Odd man out

Another street artist today, perhaps one more to your liking. He's categorizing his photos, and seems to have more Belgrade scenes than nudes... I didn't stick around long enough to see which painting went first.


Petrea Burchard said...

So much graffiti in Belgrade. Or is it just in your pictures? Do you think it's more than in most cities?

Chuck Pefley said...

What a busy background he chose. Then again he may have little choice. Curious to know how well he does on the street like that.....

Pat said...

Hi! Petrea, yes, Belgrade has more than its fair share of grafitti and street art murals...

As soon as the City paints over it, more appears!

Tash said...

Hmmm...I bet I know which one sold 1st.(Looks like a twist on your ladies in red.) He paints very appealing cityscapes.

Jilly said...

I hope these artists make a living from their work. Bibi, love your new header! Just brilliant.

Thérèse said...

Son inspiration ne lui est pas venue du décor de la vitrine :-)

B SQUARED said...

Looks too cold for nudes.

Lowell said...

Look at all that graffiti! Ugly stuff.

The nude appears to be a rather poor copy of the famous shot of Marilyn Monroe that appeared in Playboy magazine many years ago.

The Belgrade scenes aren't too bad. Hope he does well so he can buy his kids or grandkids a Christmas gift.

Virginia said...

Sad what is happening to our cities. It's a disgrace really. This man's art is nice. I hope he sold a lot of them.

Petrea Burchard said...

Certain large swaths of Los Angeles are the same, Bibi--a never-ending battle and a huge expense.

PJ said...

From a viewer's POV it's great that you caught him putting them up against the grafitti.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.