Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saint Nikola's Day--2009

It's that time of year again. Today is our family's patron saint day, Saint Nikola, who watches over fishermen, sailors, and travelers. I fall into the latter category, since I am off in a short while to a destination to be revealed to you on Monday, so check back!

An extra plus this year is that after 20 years, Serbs will again be able to travel visa-free through European Countries starting today! Thank you, Saint Nikola....

On the table above, you can see one of my three pots of beans I made for guests. Behind the pot stand jars of pickles, olives, ajvar , and tins of tuna, all fat-free fare. No meat in the beans either, and we've ordered baked fish.

Read more about this holiday on last year's post.


Kathryn said...

Are those Pasulj Prebranac? Can you give us your recipe? I saw a jar of "pepper relish" in a Michigan deli recently that came from Croatia. Well, of course, it is ajvar but I guess they didn't think we'd eat it if it was called ajvar.

Our family is so happy about the visa-free travel. Our Serbian family can now visit us when we are in Europe.

An FYI: when we were in Serbia, we bought a painting and tried to ship it home only to find that no one had bubble wrap. A friend gave me a huge bag of bubble wrap last night and I thought "if only this could go to Serbia...."

Tash said...

Sada je vreme da kazem: Cestitam Slavu!
Pasulj - Yum! My Serbian aunt just returned from 2 months in Croatia - I'm looking forward to her 'sarma za Bozic'.

I am awaiting your destination with anticipation.

Chuck Pefley said...

That looks perfectly delicious, Bibi! All of it! Perfect fare for this time of year, too. That's good news on the visa front ... Saint Nik did his magic, eh?

Buon viaggio, e buon Natale!!

Lowell said...

Very interesting post, Bibi. The beans look good! No meat would entice Lois Anne, who is a vegan!

Leif Hagen said...

The beans and extras look delicious and interesting! Can I pull up a chair!? Bon voyage - hmm, off to Venice?

Alexa said...

These look SO delicious—and I love the pretty pot you cooked them in. Great news for Serbs that they don't need visas to travel in Europe. Can't wait to find out where you're going! Happy Saint Nikola Day, Bibi—

Kate said...

We celebrate St. Nicholais here with the grandkids now, and I still love it. Yes, for his involvement in my travels!! Happy that the visa issue has been eliminated. Simplifies things, doesn't it?

The food looks delicious.

Gaelyn said...

The beans look delish. Very good that people can travel visa free. So I wonder where you are going. Guess I'll be back.

Marianne said...

Hi Bibi, sorry I didn't catch you before you took off for ...
Ah, love this bean dish and may make it after Christmas.
It is certainly about time that people from Serbia can once again travel visa free. What a relief.

Virginia said...

I'd like a bowl Bibi. Merci!

Where are you off to my friend? I wish so much that you'd be in Paris in January when I'm there. I think we are meant to meet one day .

Mihajlo said...

Sretna Slava Bibi.

Lisa said...

Sretna slava Bibi!

XAPT said...

Srecna Slava! The feast looks like it was wonderful...

The Good Life in Virginia said...

the pot of beans looks yummy and we are doing a similar dish for christmas day...

i am actually contemplating a visit to your country in february as part 1 of my yearly trek to europe. happy to hear you can now travel freely...that is wonderful news.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.