Friday, December 18, 2009

Snowy lanterns

I don't know what these are. I remember something similar we called 'lanterns' when I was a kid, but those grew on bushes. These go from green to yellow and then to brown...only to be covered by white.

Anyone know what they are?


xxx said...

No I don't know what they are called, but I have seen something similar here in Australia.

I've just called in to wish you Merry Christmas and to thank you for all your wonderful photos that you share.

best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year too.
Ribbon :)

erin said...

i think that they are named appropriately, whatever they are botantically :)

have a wonderful weekend. said...

what a wonderful capture of the transition of Autumn into winter Bibi.
I hope you have been up to gargling today!

Lowell said...

Don't know, but this is just would make a great cover for a holiday card! Especially nice is the way the snow is melting and forming icicles ...

Sharp focus!

Louis la Vache said...

Uh...Snowy Lanterns?

You never stop by and say 'hi' to «Louis» anymore...

Gaelyn said...

Those are very interesting lantern shapes.

Tash said...

Sooooo pretty!
Maybe they are Golden Rain Trees - ?? (Googled 'lantern like tree pods')

B SQUARED said...

Sure look like seed pods.

raf said...

I love the crisp focus and composition of your shot, Bibi. The lantern leaves do lend the feel of Christmas too.
Good to visit your wonderful site and catch up. Thanks too for your good wishes recently. All is well again :)

marley said...

I think they are the same species, just a different form. Here we call them Chinese Lanterns (Physillis (I think!))

Jilly said...

Gorgeous shot.I too feel I should know what these are but ....


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.