For most of you the holidays are over, but for those of us here in Serbia, Serbian Orthodox Christmas is on January 7th, followed by Serbian New Year on the 14th....a long season, especially for over-photographed babies like my little granddaughter, Mila....just too much, sometimes! Tiring.....YAWN...
Check out other Y's on ABC WEDNESDAY.
SHE is soooooooo adorable. What a little beauty. What a funny sequence of holiday fatigue. Love the face plant!
belle carte de noel et si charmante et amusante
This made me smile. Little ones can fall asleep any place and any time. Your Christmas and New Year traditions last a long time. I imagine fatigue sets in for all of you.
Happy New Year to you and yours.
Oh my gush this made me laugh!! She is very cute and adorable. Happy New Year!
Aw, so cute!
abcw team
LOL! Too cute series of sleepy Mila! Love it!
Please take a look at my Brazilian friend's new CDP blog: Laranjeiras do Sul Daily Photo
That is sooo cute and funny! I laughed out loud! What a cute granddaughter!
was always jealous of the Russian Orthodox kids in my neighborhood - celebrating Christmas TWICE!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
She is So cute!
That's one tired little gal.
she's getting so big .. what a cutie and I can empathize with the last shot, I felt like that yesterday after being out of the office on holiday since before Christmas ... what a rude awakening Tuesday was AND it was frickin' freezing!
La petite Mila is beyond precious!
And thank you (and her) so much for a really good laugh—I'm still chuckling!
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