Thursday, January 5, 2012

Have faith

This lady is a common sight near where I live. She carries a picture of a saint with her, and goes begging from car to car at a busy intersection. She wears very thick glasses, and I'm often concerned for her safety, but she seems to maneuver between cars well.


Luis Gomez said...

Like this picture very much Bibi!

Olivier said...

une belle photo sur un sujet assez dur.

Louis la Vache said...

This photo brings up wells of compassion for this poor soul. Very touching, Bibi.

Alexa said...

Very touching shot! I wish her well—and safe—in the new year.

Lowell said...

What a life she must have...but she must be determined and I think, after looking at your photo and reading your commentary, you've captured that well.

Ye olde saint ain't gonna help her much, though.

Daryl said...

Sad .. but so well captured

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautifully captured image of a very sad situation Bibi, how does a person's situation come to this..that saying 'there but for the Grace of God go I' is so apt these days.

TheChieftess said...

A very poignant image Bibi...I too often wonder about the life path of individuals such as this woman...


 I have seen this woman frequently in different seasons, seated in the same place near a large open market. She doesn't seem to be askin...