Last Sunday I took a walk in the park and look what I found! I must admit it did seem a bit surreal to see this bright red armchair just sitting there. I didn't consider hauling it home, but it wasn't in such a bad condition, and was even dry. (No, I didn't sit and rest a while.)
What do you suppose this is all about? I wonder if someone didn't want it anymore and dumped it there or if it is some kind of artistic statement.
Maybe a photographer was behind one of those trees waiting for someone like yourself to sit down?
Fascinating, whatever!
Some whacko pseudo artist probably plopped it there and charged your museum a fortune for it! Waht a terrific find and the light was nice too! :)
Must be mounted high in the trees in front of the couch. Pretty washed out picture on that tv, though ... think they need to get a new wide-screen-digital-high-def model -:)
What a fabulous photograph - but how could you not have sat on it?? You are wise I am sure, but I could never have resisted :)
Thankyou for sharing it! It certainly does make me wonder about its previous homes.. will you walk back that way again? Will it be there again?
Dada sculpture. If it weren't for the trees and grass, this could be one of those puzzling sculptures in the ghost town I shot last weekend.
Sure made for an interesting capture Bibi. I see abandonded furniture and appliances left in the woods by people who don't want to pay or haul stuff to the dump.
super cool scene - totally surreal- from the angle & the trees & the light. wow.
ha, great capture!
Is this Kalemegdan, Bibi?
Anca, no, it's the park very near the former Hotel Jugoslavija in New Belgrade, the long park that runs from Zemun to Usce.
Bravo! I love this photo...
Also missing are the empty beer cans scattered on the "floor" around the chair...
If this scene was in Daytona Beach, Florida I'd say they owner of said red chair is planning on watching the Daytona 500 auto race...guess that isn't the case.
Great find and image!!
Surreal indeed.
Nice shot
Exactly what a gray day requires: color! Bravo to whomever placed it there!
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