Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ABC Wednesday--'A' is for 'Almost alike'

These windows reminded me of those 'Can you find ten differences?' drawings you sometimes see in newspapers.
Join ABC WEDNESDAY for a lot of fun.


Sylvia K said...

What an interesting post and photo, Bibi! Fun one for the day! Have a great week!


Wayne said...

Look at all those lenses!

Got any you don't need Bibi?

I've got the remote thingy already.

Tumblewords: said...

What fun - it IS just like that! Great A post!

Lowell said...

Very good, Bibi! It sure does remind one of those little "contests."

I can easily find ten differences! There are probably many more.

Great fun. I don't think that little a/c unit is up to the job, though!

Kim, USA said...

I agree with you they are almost look alike. I thought you pasted the second and the third minus the fan attached to the first window.
Love your header too....gush wish I could have all those lenses!! Makes me drool lol!! Happy weekdays!

ABC Wednesday:Autograph

Chuck Pefley said...

1-air conditioner
2-different flowers in pots
3-patch upper right window 1
4-ivy hanging inside window 1
5-crooked slanting top window 2
6-cracks at top & bottom edges window 2
7-small sachet wicker hangs rt side window 2
8-clock window 3
9-white something lower right window 3
10-protruding sill window 1 but not 2 or 3
OK, I quit -:)

Leif Hagen said...

Chuck's comment is what I was thinking! He just beat me to it! Lovely windows and fun to compare and find the differences ...

photowannabe said...

I really like this. Great composition and story in one frame. Nice imagination.

Roger Owen Green said...

You are absolutely correct about the description.

FYI- I'm part of the ABC Wednesday Team this season.

Tash said...

How pretty! Lots of plants on the inside too. Nicely spotted, 'bibi'

Gaelyn said...

I like the "almost alike" differences. Nice composition and idea.

Jama said...

Lovely window and like Chuck I was mentally listing the differences ... said...

I really do like the color of this building, so rich & a beautiful texture too.
Bibi, I can definitely tell by your banner you are one dedicated person with regards to your photography!
I love it!

raf said...

Yep, you're right. I think Chuck covered them all so...
Cool new masthead image, Bibi!

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

It's a beautiful photo Bibi! And a nice note of the "find the difference" thing in the newspapers :)

Lazy Bird

Saretta said...

Oh, I wanted to play the game but Chuck already did such a good job!

jabblog said...

Clever take on A. I try to avoid such challenges - the last one(s) are always so elusive!

Thérèse said...

It would be an excellent picture for a puzzle too!

lv2scpbk said...

A great post and yes after you mention it, it does seem like that. LOL.

I'm now part of ABC Wednesday Team.

Kate said...

Chuck's comment is fun, as is your photo! Very clever post.

B : ) said...

what a wonderful picture! Actually your whole blog is great. Thanks for sharing.
Why don't you come on over to my blog and visit a while

zmajeva said...

Just wanted to say "hello", I'm from Belgrade, and it's very nice what you are doing here! :)

Monika said...

a very interesting picture

Jay said...

Now, that's very clever post for ABC Wednesday!

And what's more, if you count the cracks around the windows and the things reflected inside, I CAN count ten differences!

Lorie Shewbridge said...

Love the photo... the clarity is amazing. You are right about what it reminds me of. I am singing the Sesame Street song in my head, "One of these things is not like the other..." Don't know if you have that in Serbia, but it will be in my head all day! :-)

Gunn said...

Well seen and well done!:-)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.