Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My house

Before you go off thinking I'm a horrendous gardener, this is not really my house. I wish it were though, since I've admired this place for about 25 years, and all that time it's been empty. Like many such homes here, its owners may have been people who fled the country after WWII when the political tide turned. Many never returned, had no children to inherit, or else those children were/are not interested in coming back. So, homes like this go uninhabited and are not able to be legally sold, since inheritance issues haven't been settled.

I'd take good care of it....


Lowell said...

Isn't there some way you could put in a bid for it? It looks like a lovely place that needs a bit of TLC!

And a very good gardener!

Luis Gomez said...

I am sure you would turn it into a lovely place.

Chuck Pefley said...

After vacancy for 25 years I can't imagine the work that might be involved in making it habitable once again. The house next to us had been vacant for many years when we move into ours, and it remained vacant for another 10 + years. The people who finally bought it worked day and night, with the help of several sub contractors to restore that house. Not for the faint of heart by any stretch of the imagination.

It is a wonderful looking house, though, Bibi. I, too, would love to call it home ... issues not withstanding.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame you; this house looks fantastic. Have you been able to see in the windows? What is it like?

LA / nodecaf said...

Wonderful home. So pursue it. Find out if there is a way you can "rent" it until the ownership is settled and have the rent money reinvested into repairs that make it habitable. Everyone needs a home.

~mel said...

An abandoned building is so sad. You know that building was once the dream of someone who originally had it built.

Unknown said...

I'll help you!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you could just move in and pretend you're a relative?
Gorgeous photo! Haunting!

Senorita said...

This picture really beings out emotions.

Tash said...

I would wish for that house too. What a tale it could tell. A lovely photo of it.

Maybe you could hunt down the 'owners'. Recently, a developer in Pula contacted me regarding a piece of land in Medulin that my mother inherited from my grandmother. Anything is possible these days...

James said...

Very intriguing picture. I wonder what could be found inside the house. Hmm are you up for a photo mission? :)

Doot said...

having had some experience renovating just such a place in Serbia (my grandmother's), I can safely say that you shouldn't touch such a project with a 10 foot pole


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.