Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ABC WEDNESDAY--'B' is for "Bust a heel?"

Okay, I know that's not good English, but I needed a 'B,' because I wanted to post this photo. There sure aren't many of these specialty stores around, though there are still lots of shoe repair shops in Belgrade.

See anything you could use?



Sylvia K said...

That is a lot of heels, Bibi in Belgrade!! You're perfect for the B day, too! Have a great day!


Bradley Hsi said...

Yes, we do not see shoe repair shop easily anywhere now. Especially the one really specialize with it.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Now where was I? That's right I'm back. It is a real sign of the times here that the well heeled have suddenly taken to visiting the cobblers. Not quite so fine a display as these though.

I do have a lot of catching up to do.

Leslie: said...

Oh gosh! Some of those heels could be used as weapons! LOL

Tash said...

A well heeled post - I have never seen such variety of heels! Love the use of red 'boarder', too. - Clever title for B. I struggle with the letter to match my post mood & sometimes they just don't match.

BTW - RE previous comment: How was the view from Mulholland Dr.? :D

Chuck Pefley said...

Fortunately I don't depend on the shapely items. I have no leather soled shoes any longer. I do have one particular pair of boots re-soled with new Vibram once every couple of years, though.

Roger Owen Green said...

I think "bust a heel" is OK English. It's just that you don't hear it often.

There is a shoe repair shop in Albany, NY. Apparently most shops of that sort are doing a thriving business as long as it's cheaper to repair than replace.

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you! said...

Neat photo & clever B post Bibi!

photowannabe said...

I haven't seen a good shoe repair shop around my area at all. I love that display of heels. Unique title so you could use these pictures. Fun.

Leif Hagen said...

Nope. Not into high heels - they make my butt look big!

Misfit in Paradise said...

How cool is that? I wonder how they would look on my sneakers?

Virginia said...

What a fabulous shot. I love all these fine heels!

Louis la Vache said...

Leif, EVERYTHING makes your butt look too big!

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

wow, that is so cool! I have never seen a display like that before!

jay said...

What a great shot! And how lovely to know these places still exist in large numbers. We only have a few left here, and they hardly ever have such an interesting display.

And that's a most original B!

Haha! The Captcha for this one is 'crobbler'! Only one letter away from being completely appropriate.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

I'm sitting in the field on the big red chair, on the estate of "your house" listening to the young musicians waiting for my shoes to be repaired. Ah....... Belgrade.

Now back to reality. Time to get ready for the day.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know they could be fixed. And here I am tossing them out every time they break, when I should be saving them up for a trip to Belgrade! LOL

BaysideLife said...

That is so cool. We don't see many shoe repair shops here anymore. I remember going as a kid and can still remember the smell of leather and polish.

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

I couldn't think what I was looking at until I read the title! Now, of course, it's perfectly obvious and I can't see why I didn't realise right away.

Tumblewords: said...

Nothing that I need now, but there was a time when I could have used several of them! Neat post!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.