Sunday, January 3, 2010

Doha, Venice, Paris

Greetings from Qatar! Contrary to what it might seem in the photo, I am not in Paris or Venice. This photo was taken in the Villagio Mall in Doha, which is designed like an Italian city, perhaps even Venice, since there is a canal running through part of it and you can take a gondola ride! These two gentlemen are enjoying a coffee at Paul, a French bakery serving all kinds of breads and other foods. My friends and I had a cream of mushroom soup in a bread bowl.

The trompe l'oeil 'houses' painted on the walls above the shops are enhanced by a blue sky with clouds. My friends tell me that locals and expats spend hours here, especially in the summer, when it is so hot. Right now, it's quite pleasant, windy, and I slept with socks on...


PJ said...

So you're traveling! It looks like you're covering the globe. I'm going to go through your other posts to get caught up. I wish I was there!

Chuck Pefley said...

Looks very much like the Venetian Casino complex in Las Vegas.

Leif Hagen said...

You caught them! They didn't seem to notice that you noticed them! Great snap!
Try to recruit a "Doha daily photo" blogger!

Gaelyn said...

Could have fooled me. I thought you were at an outside cafe. Nice candid shot. I'm really enjoying your journey. Thanks.

Marianne said...

Pretty amazing, sky and all. A canal? Oh, my. Being near water is often all we want or need.
Such drastic differences from India to Doha and soon back to the freezing temps and snow of Belgrade.
Oops! speaking of snow, we're having a madly blowing snow shower as I write this, right here in NYC.

The Good Life in Virginia said... this capture. the cream of mushroom in a breadbowl sounded mighty good to me.
so enjoying your adventure.

Alexa said...

I agree—great capture! If you hadn't said, I probably wouldn't have known these houses are trompe-l'oeil. Amazing—and also a bit creepy in a way.

Thérèse said...

It sounds more and more like a small world!
Paul is the last place at Roissy to go by before boarding for Phoenix...

Thérèse said...

It sounds more and more like a small world!
Paul is the last place at Roissy to go by before boarding for Phoenix...

Tash said...

Great capture. Seems to me there is a twin to this one in Las Vegas. Are all desert places alike?

The soup in bread sounds really good right now. I think I have my dinner planned.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking there's a twin at Disneyland. Looks too clean to be a city street.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.