Saturday, January 2, 2010

Radovan on the Road Part 2--Doha!

Radovan was so taken by India's warm weather that he just had to have more before heading back to cold Belgrade and Serbia. In this photo you can see him posing in Serbian snow with a stray camel from the Belgrade Zoo. Radovan is off for three days to Doha, Qatar, where he and Bibi will be staying with friends of hers who used to teach in Belgrade. Bibi and Radovan will be taking a "Day in the Dunes," which will be undoubtedly warmer than the Days in the Drifts they spent in Belgrade....


Julie said...

this is excellent! Happy Day!

Chuck Pefley said...

Aw, they make such a cute couple -:)

Happy New Year!

Mara said...

If you were to take the camel too, he might be in a more natural environment as well!

Love the photo, very funny. Radovan looks like one of the wise men...

Tash said...

An adorable scene!
Along with warm weather, exotic scenery, and friends, I hope you get to see the fancy C-17 aircraft that was delivered to Qatar earlier this year. It's the first commercial paint scheme that we put on the airplane. They wanted it & they got exchange of mucho $$ of course.

Alexa said...

You and Radovan really do get around! Am out in the country on a very tenuous Internet connection -- so while I have the chance, let me tell you how much I've been enjoying your trip to India, and wish you the happiest new year!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.