Thursday, February 18, 2010

If everyone lit just one little candle...

This photo was taken before our major snow, which fortunately is nearly melted now. This man has all sorts of candles for sale, from beeswax ones and votive candle holders to place on a grave to colored paraffin candlesin the colors of the Serbian flag, plus purple and pink, from what I can see. I like the little candle couple in Serbian dress.


B SQUARED said...

We have stands like this at art shows, but, OMG are they expensive. Maybe they buy them from him and ship them over.

Lowell said...

I have a thing for candles of all kinds! I'd have fun here. Does he make them himself or do you think he's just a vendor?

James said...

I love the picture and I sure could have used a few of those last week when my power went out.

clairz said...

Such wonderful glimpses into your life! Keep them coming, please.

Gaelyn said...

Another great candid capture. I too like the couple that's candles. said...

I like your title too!

Pat said...

Jacob, I'm fairly certain this fellow is just vendor, though there still are a couple of old-fashioned candle shops downtown. I'll try to get there.

Thérèse said...

Of course these have so much more appeal than "yankee candles" lol

Daryl said...

I love candles ... especially if they have a soft gentle fragrance

Chuck Pefley said...

If everyone would light a candle, perhaps your winter would go away?

PJ said...

There's something special about buying from individual vendors, I think that's why I dislike grocery shopping, it's so impersonal.

Leif Hagen said...

I'd definitely buy some of those beeswax candles!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.