Friday, February 19, 2010

SKYWATCH--still gray...

Are you tired of gray where you live? I am. This is the best I can do this week for SKYWATCH
this week. Click on that link to see prettier skies! The church is one posted a while back, still under construction, slowly but surely.
Does anyone know what this tree is? We used to call them paw-paw trees when I was a kid, but I've Googled that and there's not the same.


Gaelyn said...

Sorry it's still gray. Nice church. Don't know the tree.
Blue skies are coming your way....

Kim said...

Oh Bibi, it is bright and sunny blue skies here (but cold).

I love the colors in your photo today!

PJ said...

Still, it's a lovely view - from here! I hope it "fairs off" soon and you get lots of sunny days.

Thérèse said...

Is that it?
It looked like "un platane" and I looked up the translation "plane tree"

Misfit in Paradise said...

Beech tree?

Louis la Vache said...

Gray here today, too, Bibi. The fog was supposed to burn off before noon. The weatherman neglected to tell us which day before noon, evidently...

Is that an Orthodox cathedral in the background?

Lowell said...

Hey, skies don't have to be blue to be stunning! This is stunning! Very well composed and a delight to look at. I mean, anyone with a little gray matter can see that!

James said...

You take wonderful pictures no matter what the sky looks like.

Sharon said...

What a lovely church and it looks interesting in the hazy sky.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, I do know how you feel! We did get sun and blue skies today, I do wish I could send you some! It is a great looking church though -- maybe it looks a little mysterious in the gray atmosphere! Have a good weekend!


Wayne said...

When it's sunny in Seattle it's likely to be sunny in Vancouver. And it is at the moment.

But this is a great shot Bibi.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean the near-silhouetted tree in the pic? From a distance I'd say it's a sweetgum (liquidambar). I'd have to see those seedpods/balls up close to really tell though. If they're spiky, then it's most likely a sweetgum tree.

Jim said...

A good shot of a grey sky.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Pat said...

Dear Readers,

Found it! I Googled 'sycamore seeds' and came up with this blog.

And yes, Louis, it is a Serbian Orthodox church. said...

I love googleing things & coming up with a good blog.

It may be gray but this scene is perfect.
Beautifully done Bibi.

Daryl said...

i didnt read all the comments so I dont know if anyone else told you .. its a Plane tree .. as soon as the photo loaded I thought 'I had no idea Plane trees grew in Belgrade' I recognized it by its little 'ball' seeds thingies

B SQUARED said...

Gray??? What's that?

clairz said...

Lovely, moody shot. What wonderful architecture you have around you!

Anonymous said...

The tree looks like a Sycamore or Liquid Amber to me also, depends if those little balls of seeds are round and fuzzy or round and spiky.
And yes, even though we had a break of sunshine for almost a week we are dark and gray here in So Cal again .
Spring will arrive soon though! Take heart!

Anonymous said...

It is a sycamore tree. They are just cutting down 300+ of them along the Bulevar (the Boulevard of King Alexander). In Serbia it's "platan"

Jilly said...

Love the shot. It's what we call a plane tree or as others say a sycamore. Same thing. The tree that lines so many roads in France.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.