Monday, February 15, 2010

Make a snowman!

You know the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Belgrade was given more snow, almost a foot the other day, and so everyone was out making snowmen! Bibi, who's being held by the little girl in the pink snowsuit, loves the snow...


PJ said...

I've been away from snow for so long, it seems alien and exotic to me. I think I want one of those pink snow suits, though.

Lowell said...

Such a nice post! Bibi is so cute. Everyone's cute. Even the littlest snowman!

Thérèse said...

The nice side of the snow indeed! Happy Bibi!

Tash said...

I'm so glad you posted all the photos. The families and kiddos look so sweet. Our friends tried making a snowman for their kids up at Mammoth...the snow was too powdery so it was really tough going. These are huge, as I remember making in Tuzla. I like the innovative dad making one with arms.

Tash said...

PS - glad that Bibi had so much fun.

James said...

That looks like fun but I used all of my energy diging my car out of 3ft of snow. I know, I know I chose to live here. :)

Gaelyn said...

You can have it, but looks like some are having fun making the most out of lemons.

Chuck Pefley said...

I'm not envious of your snow ... just your photo-ops -:)

B SQUARED said...

With all due respect, better you than me. I'm cold just looking at this.

Louis la Vache said...

What "Global Warming"?!?!

Alexa said...

Looks like you made the most of the snow too—with a great photo op!
(My wv is whovous. Yes, moi!)

Virginia said...

Love the shot of bibi in the snow!!! And BTW, you and I are the only two people on the planet I think, that like peanut butter sans the jelly!

Anzu said...

How do you do !
Peaceful Happy Family♪

Bibi, you are a cute, black dog.
My dog, Goma is a same kind of you.
v Uo・ェ・oU


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.