Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pink and white is black and white

A bouquet of roses is what my son surprised me with on Valentine's Day. Even though each rose was a lovely mix of pale pink and white, I decided to post this photo in black and white for you.


Gaelyn said...

How nice that your son bought you roses. Glad somebody got them.

I really like the B&W shot.

Louis la Vache said...

Thoughtful of him to bring you roses!
...and thoughtful of you to post this fine image on Monochrome Monday!

Lowell said...

Kudos to your son! You must be proud. Beautiful photo, too!

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful image. Just lovely!

Thérèse said...

Toute en nuances: magnifique!

James said...

Beautiful and I it will keep it's bloom for some time.

PJ said...

You caught the light! And what a sweet boy you have. I'm realistic about Valentine's Day so I bought my own roses but I got a great card from each of my boys. They're really good about that.

B SQUARED said...

A nice thought and photo.

Jilly said...

how lovely this is, first the flowers from your son and then the way you show this flower in B and W. Beautiful. Like silk with veins that breath. Sensuous I'd say.

dianasfaria.com said...

such a thoughtful & generous gesture - gave me goosebumps!
& really lovely in B&W Bibi.

Daryl said...

What a lovely monochrome ...

Alexa said...

I don't have a son, but if I did I'd like to think he'd be as loving and thoughtful as yours. And this image is just amazing! Seriously, wow.

Juliette said...

How beautiful, in all ways.

Virginia said...

Gorgeous.. I thought when I first saw it that it might be a staghorn fern! Pardon, pardon,:)

PS And what a dear ,dear son you have, but I guess I already knew that my dear Bibi.:)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.