Meet just a few of my favorite 'homies,' whom I've adopted over the years, and they're all made out of
wood. You probably recognize Radovan, the little guy to the right of the turtle, who accompanies me when I travel. Around him is a selection of figures from Russia, Poland, the USA, Serbia, India, and in the turtle's case (it was purchased on the flea market), I think Indonesia.
Come back to visit me tomorrow...it's my birthday...
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
Nice collection of wooden objects. Who's the naked dude? I like the owl. And of course Radovan.
What a great group! They are all interesting and I'm sure have a special meaning to you! Great theme post!
So, I understand you'll be 39 tomorrow! Congratulations! I'll be back to help you celebrate...
What a wonderful collection of friends you have here. Really cool!
I would never have thought to have posted this usage of wood. Clever you!
What a wonderful and culturally diverse group of friends your Radovan has! Great collection, Bibi, and naturally perfect for our wood theme day.
Oh I'm jealous. Your wonderful display is just a delight Bibi. Bravo.
I knew I would find something wonderful here, Bibi. I'm going to have to find my "Radovan", or rather, it's going to find me.
great interpretation and it is fun to see your wooden friends
You have the coolest stuff. :)
Great WOOD figures for theme day! Nice, fun collection! Playful photo for theme day!
Happy Birthday early in case I forget on Tuesday!
Hi, all! Marianne, the 'naked' dude is a Serbian 'model' I picked up downtown...look closely and you'll see he has a belly button....
What a beautiful mixed bag of precious things. A lovely choice for today. I bet you had fun arranging these for the shot which has worked so well. I'll be back tomorrow!
Unusual & interesting collection, B. Radovan must come from the heart of wood.
What a wonderfully eclectic collection of mementos from your travels!
hmmm...nice theme day for wood, i like russian doll and owl! ^0^
A lovely collection. Lots of nice memories, I'm sure.
Clever and fun .. I love your collection .. and from one Aquarian to another .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY .. we get to celebrate all month .. hey its a short month! xo
Where did you get the owl? I love him!
So you were born on groundhog day!
How exciting!
I'm an Aquarian too!
could you tell how excited I was with all of those exclamation points???
Happy theme day, Bibi! The wooden collections you have are beautiful.
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