Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ABC WEDNESDAY -'K' is for 'kooky'

Spring is here and the weather is warmer, on and off, anyway. This photo was taken on an 'on' day, along the Sava River, where I happened upon this fisherman. I've always wanted to wear a hat like this....and this fellow had the nerve. A very practical and 'kooky' solution to sun protection.

See what others have done with the letter K by checking out ABC WEDNESDAY.


Lowell said...

I don't recall ever seeing one of these before; but hey, if it works! And it certainly is colorful so long as it doesn't scare the fish!

Chuck Pefley said...

I like both him and his sun-shade. He looks very kind ... another "k" word for you -:)

B SQUARED said...

Not nearly as 'kooky' as once thought. Reminds me, do you remember the line, "Kooky, lend me your comb?"

Leif Hagen said...

Either that guy has a very good sense of humor or he was drinking Serbian adult beverages or both!

Thérèse said...

Actually it fits him quite well. This man seems to have enjoyed being immortalized by your camera too... said...

Big smiles and a great portrait Bibi!

Olivier said...

superbe ;) et très utile en plein été (mais peut être un peu voyant). un beau portrait qui sort du lot

Sylvia K said...

I LOVE Kooky!! What a terrific photo for the day! Enjoy the rest of your week!!


Jama said...

A very useful cap I must say, and so colorful!

Tash said...

The amazing thing is that he doesn't look kooky at all but very distinguished. Must be his expression - no goofy grin. Excellent portrait, Bini.

Pat said...

BSquared, sure do! "77 Sunset Strip, click, click!"

xxx said...

i haven't seen a hat like that for years.

great shot yet again ;)

best wishes

jabblog said...

I love these hats - so practical and great fun. They bring a smile to everyone's face.

jay said...

Oh, what a wonderful thing! Keeps the rain off without having to hold a handle - and I bet it would work as a sunshade, too!

On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

Kim, USA said...

Yay I have that kind of hat too!! Happy Wednesday!

ABC Wednesday~Keyhole

LisaF said...

I've also seen them at sporting event stadiums. Kooky or practical? Maybe both! You captured a great shot of him.

Tumblewords: said...

I'd love a hat like this - even if it did scare away the fish. The fisherman looks like fun, too!

annies home said...

how fun great way to keep sun and rain off ones head

XAPT said...

Great photo- I really like the juxtaposition of his dignified expression and his goofy (oops, I mean kooky) hat!

Juliette said...

Totally cool!

Roger Owen Green said...

Not kooky at all; practical!

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you!

Tarun Mitra said...

few years ago they were rage in they are out of fashion


Daryl said...

I havent ever seen anyone wear one of those who wasnt in a Walmart ....


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.