Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, Vincent van Gogh...

...and to the little boy on the right, who shares a birthday with him! This is my 3rd grade English as an Additional Language class (the 3rd grade is bigger; these are just the kids who come to me.) Their current theme unit is on 'expression,' and what better way than to learn about van Gogh, who expressed himself so well through his paintings? I invited a stand-in for Vincent, who would have been 147 today. The little doll is part of a series called Little Thinkers that you can read about by clicking on that link. They're fun gifts...and Vincent has a removable ear...


Olivier said...

Superbe portrait de groupe et de beaux sourires, c'est vraiment tres agreable a voir...et bon anniversaire a "Vincent, François, Paul... et les autres"

Louis la Vache said...

What happy little faces! Tell them that for Mme la Vache, English is her third language. She was born in (and grew up in) China, so Mandarin is her first tongue. She lived in Japan for 15 years, so she is fluent in Japanese. Now she's in the U.S. and rapidly mastering English.

Lowell said...

A cute bunch of kiddos...It would seem they like you a lot to pose with such genuinely happy expressions! A "removeable ear"? That's too funny!

B SQUARED said...

Starry, starry night...paint your colors blue and gold...I may have the words wrong but not the sentiment.

Leif Hagen said...

Once a teacher, always a teacher! They are lucky to have you as their English teacher! They seem happy and energetic!

James said...

Cute kids and it's great that his ear is removable. :)

dianasfaria.com said...

what a lovely group portrait Bibi, these children look so happy! How wonderful!
I like the idea with the doll, but...am I the only one who thinks it is just a tad bizarre that the Van Gogh doll comes with a removable ear?

Kate said...

Interesting techniques for learning a language, and how luck they are to be on their way to becoming multi-lingual.

Chuck Pefley said...

Third grade is a wonderful age ... one of my daughters taught this grade for many years before moving on to admin. I also think I enjoyed my grandkids at that age more than any other (so far). You are lucky to have each other!

Tash said...

They are so sweet. So great that they have an opportunity and desire to learn an additional language so early.
How can you beat a Van Gogh with a removable ear?! Priceless.

Thérèse said...

I am ready to join the class!

Daryl said...

Oh what a fun group ... such happy smiling faces and I love Vinnie's head!


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.