Thursday, March 4, 2010

Parking ticket

The City of Belgrade is becoming more strict in regards to illegal parking. Here a policeman is writing a ticket for a vehicle parked on the sidewalk just out of the photo to the left. In the background you can see some taller monuments in Belgrade's Jewish Cemetery that you can read more about right here.

This is a special post for BSquared at Fort Lauderdale Daily Photo. He and I have been exchanging 'Yugo' comments!

11 comments: said...

The parking attendant around my town is always writing tickets.
I see lovely blue skies Bibi! Yay for you!
: )

Lowell said...

Well, for crying out can't park on the sidewalk! I wonder what such a ticket costs?

PJ said...

That's a beautifully composed photo, Miss Bibi. I'm also in awe that you photographed some law enforcement. That's definitely something that gives me the shakes.

Kim said...

OOOOoooo, what did you do now, Bibi? ;^).
Looks like that poor "extreme makeover" tree is hanging in there, straight and tall despite the cut backs it has suffered. lovely blue sky.
Going now to see about that cemetery.

James said...

Where's the car? :)

Louis la Vache said...

"But Officer, What do you mean I can't drive on the sidewalk? The street was full of cars! My Yugo ran out of gas, so I just left it where it stopped!

Thérèse said...

What do you think the eagle would do if he came back to life? :)

B SQUARED said...

While there is a strong resemblance between us, B^2 is actually the connoisseur of all things Yugo. I taken the reference to Jacob as a compliment, however. You heard of the phrase Yugo your way and I'll go... The photo captures the essence of my Yugo, perfectly.

Pat said...

Ooops. Thanks, confused... I've changed 'Jacob' to your name. :0

Suburban Girl said...

It actually makes a funny photo because it looks like he is writing a ticket for an invisible car.

Daryl said...

I think his parrot murals trump a ticket writing cop ... but then you've the cemetery and monuments... and Bill's car input is needed over at Lily's


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.