Friday, March 26, 2010

SKYWATCH--Fingernail Moon

A hand-held shot, hence the blur. When the moon is like this, just a sliver, I call it a 'fingernail' moon, and wonder if anyone else does.

See other moons, slivers, fingernails, and skies at SKYWATCH.


Džiadžojka-san said...

Jao prelepo je!

James said...

The moon looks like it's floating down and the trees look like they want to catch it. I love night shots. :)

Gaelyn said...

Nice shot for a hand held. Never heard it called a fingernail moon, but sure makes sense.

Alexa said...

Beautiful—blur and all! (Great for handheld actually.)
That's just what I call it too.

Thérèse said...

Not yet, but let's start calling it this way!
I love your picture!

Chuck Pefley said...

Not at all sure how i mange to miss a day, but I certainly seem to. Glad we can't hear that fingernail sliding across the sky! Now that would ruin the lovely effect!!

Virginia said...

Hand held and FABULOUS. I love this one Bibi. Bravo.

Lowell said...

Nope. I think you're the only one! ;-)

By the light of the slivery moon...wait, that's not right!

Love the shot. The buildings with those lights almost take on a life of their some big, square monsters! said...

I like the buildings down at the bottom with the trees waving behind them.
I've never called it a fingernail, but I like that idea.
Beautiful skywatch Bibi.

clairz said...

What a wonderful photo. Moon shots are the hardest!

Louis la Vache said...

Fingernail works for «Louis». Nice gradation of the blue of the sky. The lights in the building in the center seem to form a cross.

Tash said...

Phenomenal! Love the color of the sky. Soooo glad you captured that.
And what blur?? I can show you blurry ones of that same moon phase - before daylight savings, I'd leave work at this time of day and be greeted by the "Cheshire cat" moon moon & that color sky. I always say I must set up the tripod, and then don't.

Daryl said...

Oh this is wonderful .. that sliver of moon hanging over the city, the lights coming on, the trees reaching up to say good evening ...

syel said...

creative way to call the moon! just a sliver of it watching over the city :)


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