Thursday, March 25, 2010

Life at the top

Time to 'fess up. Who hasn't dreamed of living in a penthouse, surrounded by famous names?
Whoever lives in this rooftop apartment in a building adjacent to Branko's Bridge has quite a few famous names for neighbors. At least they're quiet.


Luis Gomez said...

Love this shot!

James said...

Cool shot. It reminds me of old movies that show NYC apartments with bright and loud neon signs outside of someone's window.

Alexa said...

If they'd pay me, I'd put signs up ALL over my place—yes, it's come to that, and your shot is great, Bibi.

Louis la Vache said... pick up on what James wrote - on «Louis'» first trip to Noo Yawk, the light from the neon across the street flooded «Louis'» room - even with the curtains closed a tightly as possible - to the point that the room was a light as if the room's lights were on. That was a sleepless night, and «Louis» got the hotel to move him (after some Noo Yawk attitude at the front desk) to another room... said...

I like the idea of lights outside one's window in the movies but personally speaking I think the light pollution would get on my nerves.
As far as living in a penthouse, in theory it seems wonderful but I'm not crazy about the idea of living too high above the ground unless maybe it's in a two story house on a mountain top somewhere!
I love this shot Bibi.

Olivier said...

la publicité bouffe tout, et surtout la vue sur les villes...n'empêche que j'aime bien l'enseigne pour le café

Tash said...

ha-ha! I'd settle for even just LIQUI MOLY next door. Wonderful, wonderful photo - you can take that to the Bank. Much Uni(lateral) Credit to you! I DON't recommend a CAFE for this occasion, mais pour TU a toast with M. BORG. I just hate to have this disappear in a BLINK...

XAPT said...

And to add to the luxery of the penthouse living, I wonder if the lift works... Last summer my husband and I rented an apartment in Belgrade with a beautiful view of Gazela bridge, little did we know that they would be working on the elevator the entire time and the lovely apartment turned into an 8-story walk-up! Good for the legs, but a pain when your lugging your luggage around.

Suburban Girl said...

Yes, and all the bragging rights of famous neighbors. :) Great idea.

Lowell said...

Well, that's a mess! Can you imagine looking out of your apartment window only to see the back of some ugly billboard?

Nice photo, though!

Daryl said...

LOVE this shot .. I took a similar one, we really have such similar 'eyes' ...


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