Today I celebrate my second blog anniversary. Like last year's post, I'm giving you a blast-from-the-past. The above is a photo also taken in 1973 (so was last year's) shortly after I bought my first camera when I lived in Paris. That summer I returned to Los Angeles where my parents were living at the time, and in downtown L.A. on Pershing Square I captured this scene. It makes me think of what Henri Cartier-Bresson said about grabbing 'the decisive moment,' for I was using an old 135mm lens that I really had to fiddle with (but didn't, seeing as how all I had time for was a quick focus). That's why it's overexposed. Anyway, this photo is one of my favorites.
A wonderful photo...
Congratulation to your second blog anniversary...
Congratulations! Nice shot.
Cop to man on sidewalk: Your eyes are a little bloodshot. Have you been drinking?
Man on sidewalk to cop: Your eyes are a little glazed - how many doughnuts have you had so far this shift?
And that's when the trouble started...
Not a care in the world! Lovely capture.
Happy second anniversary!
Congratulations! I can see from your early photos that you are a natural at photography. There is something special about old film photos. I really like the look of old monochrome.
I think it's cool that our birthdays and blog anniversaries are just days apart and we've lived in the same states. I still hope to live in Paris someday too. Probably not Belgrade but you never know.:)
You certainly captured the decisive moment with this shot. I think the exposure is fine. You nailed it for the cop and his expression and posture are crucial. Same for the old guy on the ground. I like the grain too.
Glad you kept this one and shared. It's a great image.
Oh, I can see why this is one of your favorites! A spectacular shot, reminding me of several of the century's great photographers!
And congrats on two years of blogging away, every day!
My English is not so good to describe how much I appreciate this blog and wish you many, many more posts and photos like this.
Congratulations on two years of photos! I discovered your site a few months ago, and I've been enjoying your often quirky photos and descriptions ever since. Pam @ Downey Daily Photos
Oh Bibi, This worked in Los Angeles at the time. Here in Birmingham that would not have been viewed the same way. I hope racial tolerance is more the norm here and everywhere in our world. A very 'decisive moment" . HC-B would be pleased with your capture.
This is such a poignant photo: down and out, and in trouble, yet you feel sympathy for him. The officer also has a sympathetic expression, I think, as though he would rather not have to do what he is doing.
Great picture, I understand why it is one of your favorites.
Yes a fascinating capture - many life stories enveloped in this meeting of moments. A complex intertwining, even a little disturbing. I want to know what happened next!
Congratulations on two years of blogging - thankyou for sharing your work with us..
What a great shot and oh yes, how very Henri C-B. You really did capture the decisive moment.
Many congratulations on your second birthday. Your blog always has super photos and more than that, such originality - I never know what to expect what I log on to A Yankee in Belgrade and that is one of its many delights. I look forward to the next year and beyond. It's been such a pleasure getting to know you over the last two years, even tho we've not actually met - but of course we meet most days, don't we?
Congratulations on you "Blogirthday"! Hah .. did I just create a new word?
Your photo from the 70's is nicely done, Bibi ... and open to all sorts of interpretations ... the body language suggests note-taking, though I guess it could be a ticket-book. I'm particularly intrigued by the man in the dark suit hiding behind the tree ... I'm guessing he's just passing by, but perhaps he's the one that called the policeman ... or he might be responsible for laying the straw-hatted well-dressed Black Man on the ground. I also like the casual posture of the Black Man ... including his high-top lace-up boots.
Well done!
Happy Blogversary! And that is one fine photo .. no excuses necessary
I immediately liked this photo when I first looked at it but I didn't notice the man behind the tree! (thanks Chuck) & I am so glad I looked again and enlarged it too, because I liked it even more upon closer examination. I think the person behind the tree really makes this photo. what a great catch. I agree with James, I think you are a natural too Bibi.
Congratulations on two amazing years of photos.
I guess us Aquarians have a thing for starting blogs in March because my anniversary is on Saturday!
And from then on, I presume, you never went anywhere without your camera...
I am so glad to be part of your followers.
What a great picture.
Happy Anniversary!
Thanks for sharing this extraordinary shot. Bravo for your wonderful blog!!!!
Sheesh, I'm late again. Happy blog anniversary!
Love this photo. You're right about grabbing the decisive moment. Great capture.
My goodness, this one is a treasure. Great eye, quick work!
CONGRATULATIONS on 2 superb years of fascinating, insightful, thoughtful, funny, touching posts.
Happy Anniversary!
Hi Bibi,
Two years, still going strong and I'm the richer for it.
Great photo, esp. with the guy behind the tree - love that piece of intrigue.
Congratulation to your second blog anniversary...
data entry india
j'avais rate ce post, alors bon anniversaire et FELICITATION pour ton blog
Happy belated blog 2nd anniversary! Congratulations! That's quite a collection of photos and info and comments! Best wishes for your next two years of CDP blogging and beyond!
Warm regards from EAGAN daily photo
Happy anniversary!! I hope this blog has many many years to come.
I can see your interest in photography has spanned a long time. Great photo with such high contrast in many ways.
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