Wednesday, May 5, 2010

ABC Wednesday "P" is for "pig out"

This little hot dog truck is red, red, red! There was no one around when I took this photo from my car while waiting at a red light. I wasn't hungry either, but had I been, this little truck, with its self-dosing hot dog, would have been just the place to pig out!

See what other P's people have posted on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Anthouy Bourdain needs to see that truck! What a fun shot-have you tried their dogs?

Liz @ MLC said...

I'm hungry and I want to Pig out! :)

It's my first time to join ABC Wednesday. Do drop by if you have time.

Liz @ MLC

Sylvia K said...

Oh, I am so ready to pig our! What a great post and I love your capture! What a colorful fun vehicle! Hope you have a super week!


Olivier said...

beau contrasme entre la voiture (et sa belle enseigne ;o) ) et le batiment maXi

Lowell said...

Very cute! Very red! I can imagine it garners a lot of attention...hopefully the food is very good!

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful little very RED truck. And yes I would love a hot dog from there!

Louis la Vache said...

Or, as they say in la belle France, «manger comme une vache»!

Wanda said...

OH yes, that is one cute place to pig out... I'm in!!!

Tumblewords: said...

Gotta love a flame red hot dog truck! What fun! Great shot, it is.

Lynette said...

Totally fabulous photo and text to go with it! said...

that self dosing dog is very funny. Thanks for the laugh Bibi.

Chuck Pefley said...

That cute little red truck is a perfect example of the ingenious market vehicles in Europe. I love the variety and cleverness of designs over there. Here, of course, people would rather go to the mall. Bah!

Pat said...

Chuck, the funny (?) part here is that right smack across the street (behind my back from where I took this photo) is a MEGA mall, owned by tycoon Miskovic, who owns the Maxi supermarkets you see advertised on my photo.... People swarm to it; expensive for most, but many just like to look, and eat KFC that opened there, arrgh.

The Fairweather Blogger said...

Cute little hotdog van. These posts are making me hungry!


Roger Owen Green said...

the PECULIAR thing is that I saw the building in the background attached to the truck, initially!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gunn said...

Sooooooooooooo CUTE!!;-)

B SQUARED said...

The special must be 'Red Hots.'

Kim, USA said...

Oh my that is pretty cute!

ABC Wednesday~P

Suburban Girl said...

Nothing like a little humor to catch a drivers attention! I guess all that red helps too, I like the interesting background too.

Thérèse said...

A picture dedicated to Virginia? lol
For the most optimistic, regarding the colors.

Daryl said...

Love how it seems as if the building is rising out of the back/top of the truck

Unknown said...

I wanna pig out with you. Hmm im sure you enjoy all the food there.

Unknown said...

What an amazing red truck! I can understand why you made up the phrase "pig-out" just to be able to use this photo this week for "P"! Very clever and resourceful.
Best wishes,

Halcyon said...

Wow! It really is the same dude as Ft. Lauderdale.

Strange things....


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.