Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The woman on the wall

This trompe l'oeil statue 'stands' on a wall at the lower end of Skadarlija, a street that makes up most of Belgrade's bohemian quarter. She appears to be decked out in grapes, but roof you see here that she's overlooking is part of a well-known beer garden.


Luis Gomez said...

Very nice image. Like the perspective.

Olivier said...

Waouhh superbe ce trompe l'œil, c'est un très beau travail, bravo à l'artiste

Thérèse said...

Incroyable le trompe l'oeil!
Une des femmes de Bacchus?

Anonymous said...

Skadarlija - one of my favorite streets in the world.
I have to say, Bibi, I wish I could change cities with you for a while!

Suburban Girl said...

Is she trying to add some class to the beer garden? LOL.

Daryl said...

So those are hops she's holding?

Alexa said...

I see she was put up there in 1992—so does she predate the beer garden or did Rebecca have the right idea?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.