Monday, April 12, 2010

Back after 65,000,000 years....

I fulfilled the wish of the child in me and went to see Walking with Dinosaurs at the Belgrade Arena. It was everything I thought it would be, and more. They walk, they roar, they 'breathe,' accompanied by sound/video effects; all so real. Read about it on the link above, and if they come to your town, do yourself a favor and's for kids of all ages.

Here you see a pair of towering brachiosaurus (brachiosauri!). The very idea of transporting these babies is overwhelming. There were quite a few very large trucks in the Arena's parking lot.


Gaelyn said...

It is almost like Jurasic Park. Bet that was fun. We should try to indulge the child within, at least sometimes.

Tash said...

Looks like a good turnout too. I bet you'll have a great time talking to your kiddos at school about it. The photo is excellent which I imagine was hard to do.

Lowell said...

Wow! They do look real! What a great event. And it looks like the arena was filled.

Marie-Noyale said...

Almost Real!!!

B SQUARED said...

What on earth do they eat?

Virginia said...

THis is great. I can't believe it either. I thought they had been long gone! HA

James said...

I wish there was something like this when I was a kid. I used to be a dinosauer freak. Even now it sounds fun.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee
Gaelyn beat «Louis» to it - he was thinking "Jurassic Park", too!

Daryl said...

Wow .. so they have been hiding, like our new cat ...

T. Becque said...

My son saw this show in Tucson a few months ago and loved it!

Carpe Diem said...

awww I missed it! I wanted to see this show so bad, but ala it was not meant to be. Glad you had fun!

Suburban Girl said...

It looks almost realistic enough that I would be scared! :)


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!