Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monument to....?

Many times I have passed by these columns which stand on a knoll on an otherwise flat area in the park next to Hotel Jugoslavija. I finally walked up the knoll and found a section of train tracks! I asked a passer-by what these were, and she told me they were all that was left of an old train station. There was no plaque and my Googling was to no avail. I fiddled with the contrast and highlights here, for it was such a dreary photo (and day.)


Dimple said...

No train, no where for it to go, and no place for passengers. Still it is an interesting picture, you did a good editing job.

Lowell said...

A puzzle, for sure. Must be some reason for leaving these standing...but I do like the way you treated the photo...makes it much more dramatic!

knez011 said...

According to what I found, it is a monument to, now gone, Zemun railroad station, built in 1984 and designed by Milan Stambolic, architect. The columns are from the original structure (I think).

BTW, the picture is great. did you use the sepia filter?

Luis Gomez said...

Great image. Love the treatment you gave it.

dianasfaria.com said...

Pleasing to the eye.
It's nice that at least it was left standing. where I live, they most likely would take it down and build a chain store in its place.
I've just caught up here and I have to tell you, I enjoyed your pictures of Poland very much Bibi!
Isn't pierogi wonderful?
& guess what? the dinosaurs are coming to NY in July!

Pat said...

Knez, thank you! You're good! I could have sworn that these columns were there before '84, but I guess not. Anyway, should you find out more, let me know.


Thérèse said...

What a pleasure for the eyes! And we can imagine whatever we want...

P.S. This year is the only year I did not pick up these sour oranges you are speaking about, for making marmalade.

Jilly said...

How extraordinary and really rather spectacular and beautiful. Lovely shot, Bibi.

xxx said...

Hello :)

I have an invitation for you to join myself and others in a creative project that may be of interest to you.
Please read my post titled 'creativity and an invitation for you', for more detail.
thank you
I hope you can join us.

best wishes
Robyn ~ Ribbon ;)

Louis la Vache said...

It must have been a splendid train station. One wonders what the story is of its demise.

B SQUARED said...

It must have been spectacular at one point.

Unknown said...

They seem too ornate for the period of the 80's?
It is a striking photo -- pillars holding up the sky.

Daryl said...

Fascinating ... and its a good photo, I like it

Marie-Noyale said...

Must have been quite a magnificent railroad!!
You did a good job fiddling, the result is rather nice.

Mara said...

I love this shot!

Zivota said...

Sorry for my foreigner-to-the-discussion-on-this-touching-and-wonderful-blog interruption, just wanted to say Knez probably meant 1884, not 1984.

Knez011 said...

Zivota, I apologize for the lack of clarity on my end: the monument, not the station was built in 1984. As far as the station goes, don't know anything about it, but 1884 would be in the ballpark, I suppose.

Suburban Girl said...

Interesting that the columns are all that remain. I guess the tracks are no longer used either.

Zivota said...

I apologize too, Knez, for my lack of proper reading of your original post.
A beautiful blog this is, with great effort and love from the author!I am very happy to have stumbled upon it!

BJ76 said...

These are not "remains of an old train station", but monument to an old train station, as someone already explianed, built in 1984. I lived across that place and remember the time when they placed it over there. Somewhat annoying for us kids at the time cause kids use that small hill for sledding in winter time :)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.