Thursday, April 8, 2010


Yum. I am having a super time in Poland trying out all kinds of Polish foods. Above are some potato and mushroom pierogi that my friend bought fresh and that we fried and ate with thick yogurt. All that was missing was the vodka...I still have time.


Chuck Pefley said...

Looks tasty! Not sure about the vodka, though ... with yogurt? hmm ...

Lowell said...

Methinks that I've not tasted these delicacies - not that I can recall. Yogurt, yes. Vodka, yes. Wait, Vodka? Where? When?

Gaelyn said...

What, no vodka? I haven't eaten pirogis in forever. Yum!

Thérèse said...

Simple and delicious!

Olivier said...

je ne connais pas, mais cela semble tentant, mais là j'en suis au cafe ;)

Louis la Vache said...

Yum, indeed! They look great! «Louis» could smell them all the way to California.


Mme la Vache is in the kitchen making her fabulouis gyoza as Louis is reading this...

Unknown said...

I miss pierogi. I haven't had too many since moving to Belgrade. The will be included in one of my first meals when I get home.

Kitty said...

I love this comfort food. Goes well with tomato soup.

Daryl said...

Oh I would love some of those .. but with sour cream not yogurt ...

Jilly said...

These look so tasty and would be wonderful with thick yogurt. gosh your cooker is SO clean. Probably tells you mine could do with a wash and brush up...I'll blame the dogs!

Richard Lawry said...

I haven't had pirogi in a long time. Looks good.

An Arkies Musings

Tash said...

Yum! They sort of look like Korean pot-stickers. When we moved here, my parents were befriended by Russian-Yugo emigrees (Russians who followed the exodus into Serbia and then to US)...I 1st ate pickled mushrooms (had a bit of trouble with the texture that 1st time) and outstanding ground beef piroshki at their fancy home in western section of LA - off of 8th street. Timoshenko (who wrote the definitive textbook on strucutural mechanics taught in Belgrade between the wars (my aunt's husband was a pupil)...and later became famous in the academic circles in the US)...but I am rambling again.
I like the stove...It looks a mix of gas and electric.

LA / nodecaf said...

I love pirogies. We boil them then pan fry them with a drop of olive oil (similar to what you have shown) then serve them with pan fried peppers and onions with lots of paprika & a dollop of (low fat) sour cream on top. Wash it down with a cool beer and it is nearly perfect. Yum. Your photo makes me hungry!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!