Wednesday, April 7, 2010

ABC Wednesday "L" is for "Lany Poniedzialek"

I am here in Poland for a few more days. Yesterday my friend and I went out to an outdoor regional museum where there are several village houses that display various aspects of Polish rural life. Some interiors were of a village old school house; others were of farmers or craftsmen. Still others showed kitchen scenes where it appeared as if everyone had just hastily departed, leaving set tables, freshly-baked bread, and sliced meats. Artisans, dressed in folk outfits, displayed and sold their wares, like papercuts, paper flower bouquets, and wood carvings. There were also games for children all along the road, such as egg-rolling, hoop, and this custom of water spraying. Dousing passers-by is what really takes place on Easter Monday, or as it is called here "Lany Poniedzialek." Using targets keeps innocent bystanders dry and still lets kids have fun.

See other L's on ABC Wednesday.


Tash said...

Cute shot...I thought the title may be related to "ponedeljak". It's so cool that you have friends in so many places. The weather looks great too. My voice teacher loved visiting much music there too.

Glennis said...

A fun place to visit to watch the children play and to see how the people of the village really live. I would like to visit too.

Lowell said...

And a good time was had by all...I like the idea of the might get in a bit of trouble spraying someone wearing his/her good clothes!

Alexa said...

Fun! (And I think I'll stay out of range . . . ) Looks like you're enjoying your trip.

Gaelyn said...

What a fun celebration. Love the shot of the water sprayer. Hope you kept the camera dry. ;-)

Olivier said...

amusante comme tradition (jeux) une photo culte ;o))

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee
...the next best thing to water balloons...

B SQUARED said...

I'm not too sure of that Monday activity.

ninja said...

Aka "Śmingus dyngus". I used to play water wars at this day as a kid. A bit brutal tradition but a lot of fun.

antigoni said...

Happy moments!
I hope you had many happy moments during Easter.

Daryl said...

What fun .. as long as the water is not too cold should you get splashed .. accidentally .. of course said...

I'd love to know how that tradition of spraying people with water started - so funny!

The Fairweather Blogger said...

Looks like a fun place - bet that water pumping gives you arms like Schwarzeneggar!
I've rejoined ABC after quite a while away.

Unknown said...

Where I grew up (South Bend, Indiana) there were many Polish immigrants and on the Monday after Easter we all celebrated Dyngus Day. The tradition continues with eating good Polish food the main activity along with politicians coming to visit.

jay said...

Ah, that looks like fun for the kids! LOL!

Tumblewords: said...

Looks like fun - excellent idea of having targets for the dousing!

Roger Owen Green said...

Looks like fun. Most Americans don't do Easter Monday - feh.
On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.