Monday, April 19, 2010

van Gogh's terrace

Well, not really, of course, but Vincent might have felt at home here with all these sunflowers. Caught this shot on Saturday while walking from one museum to the next while participating in SlowArt Day. As you can see, I found my own serendipitous art.


Michael Valčić said...

Great shot! I love the colors in this one.

Thérèse said...

Nice piece of photography...
Were you a host or a visitor at "Slow Art Day"? How was the experience?

Olivier said...

ah ah très bien vu, un balcon très fleuri ;o)

Alexa said...

Someone sure likes sunflowers! Very cheery, nice catch. There seems to be a problem with the link, but I'd love to hear more about SlowArt Day. said...

I think Vincent would approve.
: )

Pat said...

Alexa and others-sorry for the bad link. I've fixed it now!

Chuck Pefley said...

Indeed you did find your own art. Fun photo, though I can't honestly say I'd like to live right there ... but I'm glad somebody does have such a colorful place to call home -:)

Stefan Jansson said...

Nice find.

Louis la Vache said...


Gibepregiba said...

I like this photo, it is so romantic and colorful. Only that air conditioner unit doesn't belong to this beautiful photo. But Bibi, you say that you don't like to use Photo shop.

Lowell said...

I think some of the best photography is serendipitous! Love this for many's full of interest, very colorful, and sharp as a tack.

In fact, I conjured up the spirit of Van Gogh hisself and told him about it, but he just looked confused and said in an English accent, "Hey what, I can't 'ear you!"

Luis Gomez said...


Anonymous said...

I think it's nice that there are some icky things, like that A/C and some romantic things (like the wall color nd sunflowers and terrace. Those contrasts make it interesting. I bet whoever lives there is happy to have a terrace.

Marie-Noyale said...

Not necessary to enter a Museum to find Beauty!!!

Ineke said...

very appropriate for your art day!

Gaelyn said...

Van Gogh would have loved this place.

Just Capture said...

Beautiful take.


 My post yesterday was so dark, both figuratively and in reality. Here's one more from my baby Minox DCC 5.1, which is more cheerful.