Saturday, April 17, 2010

Weekend Reflections--Trees in the Sava River

I love these trees that stand in the river and have taken lots of lots of photos of them, but most I do not keep. I managed to grab this photo in a break between storm clouds the other day.
This post is for James's Reflection Weekend, which I often miss!


Virginia said...

And everything is spring green!! Gorgeous.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Bold and dramatic reflections! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photography of the might nature does provide, making one glad to own the sense of sight.

Please have a wonderful start into the weekend.

daily athens

Clytie said...

The trees make some very pretty ripples in the water, which make for some very beautiful reflections.

James said...

What a nice looking picture. I like it. It's hard to explain but it looks electric.

Unknown said...

Beautiful photograph.

Richard Lawry said...

There is something very intriguing about this picture. I'm not sure why, but I really like it.

An Arkies Musings

Alexa said...

LOVE these reflections—especially the ones on the far left and right. Amazing

Gaelyn said...

Great reflection shot. Looks like some dancing going on.

Chuck Pefley said...

Nice, Bibi! One wonders how they manage to survive, no thrive, with their feet in the water all the time.

Yvi said...

Great shot! The reflections makes the photo interesting...and the green is a lovely color of spring...

Louis la Vache said...

Excellent choice for the meme, Bibi!

Wayne said...

That's a keeper all right.

Lowell said...

This is very beautiful. Looks like something one would see in Florida!

Suburban Girl said...

I love how the reflection of the branches create squiggle lines. :)

Daryl said...

LOVE this ... reflections and the perspective .. love it

Jilly said...

Wow! I missed this. How fabulous.

Unknown said... the composition....


 Maybe it's the state of the world that affects me now, particularly in my home country. Everything seems dark and ominous. Clearer skie...