Wednesday, May 12, 2010

ABC Wednesday "Q" is for 'Queen in a Quandary"

...and seated beside rose quartz as well. I bought this little queen at the British Museum shop in London airport a few years ago. I love her expression, and that's just how I feel these days, for I'm in a quandary about a decision I have to make reasonably soon.

Check out other bloggers' ABC Wednesday posts.


Gaelyn said...

Although I can make good decisions, I often have a hard time making decisions. Pros and cons list works well for me. Good luck and let us know what you decide.

Sylvia K said...

I know just where you're coming from! Have had some of those quandaries myself lately! Holding good thoughts for you! Great pic expresses it all!


Olivier said...

juste magnifique, un vrai petit bijoux

Lowell said...

Lois Anne would tell your to hold the rose quartz close and let the energy flow through you and this will help you come to the right decision...

I don't know about all that, but it might be worth a try!

photowannabe said...

Beautiful Rose Quartz and I really like the Queens expression too. Hope you are able to make your decision with relative ease.

Roger Owen Green said...

I was going to tell you how much I liked your post but I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY! ;-)

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Unknown said...

Following Jacob, hold the quartz and the queen and sit quietly until the right or best or only choice appears. Only wishing you the best, Bibi.

Kim, USA said...

Oh my your rose quartz is so beautiful!!

ABC Wednesday~Q

Alexa said...

Oh my, the queen does look perplexed, doesn't she?
And that's some lovely rose quartz! said...

the queen really does look like she is a quandary.
& Bibi, whatever decision you come up with, just know that that is what is best for you.

Unknown said...

I hope you make a quality decision in answer to your quandary.

Jilly said...

What a perfect title, love it! As for your quandary, I always think it's awful when you are in this no-man's land of uncertainty. Which way to jump. Once you've made the decision you'll be fine and you'll never know if you made the right or wrong decision! If in doubt, go with your gut feeling.

Pat said...

Thanks for the comments! Jacob, I actually DO have a rose quartz pendant....and I am now wearing it. Let's see. It's easier than wearing the pictured candle holder!

Jayne said...

Quandary is a word I can definitely identify with and the queen's expression and body language could be me. :)

Unknown said...

What a beautiful Rose Quartz piece..
take care of you...
Mine is here
Happy Sensational Wednesday!

Suburban Girl said...

A quandary she is in for sure, perhaps the king is having another affair. Sorry, I read to many biographies of royals.

Good luck with your decision.

Jay said...

Both OH and I are Librans - famously (or should that be infamously?) bad at making decisions. I love your little queen, she'd be perfect as an avatar for me! LOL!

Louis la Vache said...

Great expression on her!
Trivia: In 1955, Packard called the color choices on its cars "Jewel Tones" and one of the choices was "Rose Quartz" which was often combined with "White Jade" and "Grey Pearl" on the tri-tone "Caribbean" convertibles.

B SQUARED said...

A quandary? Wish I could help!

Daryl said...

Oh I love her .. I know I would have bought her if I'd seen her/been there ..

being in a quandary is better than being in a quarry I guess .. ;-)

Thérèse said...

Put her in your pocket, go in a park, lay your back against a large old tree and close your eyes...

Chuck Pefley said...

Tough choices, eh?

Tumblewords: said...

Absolutely wonderful, she is. I wish you luck in finding the solution to your quandary.

Unknown said...

I hope you could come to a good decision.
The photo of this chess piece is stunning!
Best wishes,

Kim said...

Wishing you the best with your decision.
This chess piece reminds me of the illustration of the card queen in Alice in Wonderland. . . Hopefully she will choose to leave everyone's head "on." :-).


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