Thursday, May 20, 2010

Don't do it, you dummy!

Was this fellow just clowning around or did he make the plunge? Neither, actually, since you've probably now noticed he's a dummy, in the original sense. Like his suit?


Gaelyn said...

LOL! Where Do you find these great sights?

B SQUARED said...

This wasn't taken at Sea World by chance? Some big dolphin isn't going to leap out of the water?

Pam Lane said...

Ditto! LOL

Olivier said...

on dirait qu'il sort d'une soirée bien arrosé ;o)) said...

someone has a funny sense of humor.

Zee said...

He reminds me Michael Jackson

Alexa said...

He reminds me of Dick Tracy. Your eye never fails you, Bibi! (nor your sense of humor)

Thérèse said...

Of course I love your title!
and the picture of course...

Chuck Pefley said...

The owner is no dummy, though ... got your attention! LOL!!

Kim said...

Charming and clever post Ms. Bibi! I might like that suit color for myself, but outside Miami. . .I'm not so sure there's a market for it in menswear :-).

Louis la Vache said...

What a hoot!
Perfect title!

Suburban Girl said...

I do like his suit and his hat! Wonder how many people he fools.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.