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Yankee in Belgrade, this photo and text have been stolen!!! Boycott sites that steal photos!!

The 'fraidy cat' is actually not in this photograph. I'm referring to my dog, who was off camera, frightened away by this imposing tomcat. I'm afraid Bibi is a pussycat.
hee hee
That cat is certainly making a statement!
Bibi is probably smart by not tangling with this cat!
bien vu la photo, on le sent pas vraiment content , j'irais pas le caressé
Oh he looks just like my cat! What a lovely photo. My mother calls all black and white cats "Dominican cats" because they remind her of the habits of the Dominican nuns at the convent where she went to school. Thanks for the blog.
: ) Really good expression
Great shot. All it takes is a cat with attitude!
BIBI-chan is so clever to know that
making enemy of cat is foolish.
I love this shot, I would love to get a photo like that from one of my cats!
Clever Bibi by the way, he may not show his nails now, but boy, are they sharp!
Looks like he is on tippy toes.
Great photo Bibi, and the disabled right-click function is fantastic.
Thank you so much for doing some research on that. I'll try and put it on my own blog tonight.
That + the other banner should do the trick !
BTW - that cat of yours today is FANTASTIC !
This looks just like my neighbor's cat that has started hanging out at my house. BTW, I tried the right click and it did just what you said. I'm going to try it as well. Thanks. Was it hard??
I tried to show that imposing cat to my son's puppy French Bulldog I am "dog sitting" but no reactions!!! my armchair's legs are much more fun to bite!!!
I have a black-and-white cat too—but one that Bibi wouldn't have to avoid. My poor old puss is a fraidy cat too! BTW, I went to that thieving site and saw all the photos they stole from you (and Eric, and others). Hope your efforts to stop them are successful.
When cats get their back up, it's wise to keep one's distance; especially if you're a dog!
Sorry about the pilfering of photos. I don't know if they're taking mine, too, but probably.
There are rats and nogoodniks everywhere!
Gorgeous kitty, smart Bibi.
Hope you're not having problems with thieves stealing your work.
ha, your poor doggy!
This cat seems rather relaxed and is just stretching? He looks like he has a nice perch.
Keep up the great work against the photo thieves, Bibi!
Regarding the right-click... if I (left) click through to your picture, I can still copy it, use it for my desktop, and so on. I'm not sure you've accomplished anything.
wonderful snap!
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