Tuesday, June 1, 2010

THEME DAY--Funny Signs "Falsies"

I wear Falsies! Maybelline Falsies, that is. This mascara is a far cry from what falsies were when I was growing up. Some have chosen to replace those by silicon implants...

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Note: Did you notice the banner above my photo? Many CDP photobloggers' photos are being stolen. If you're a photoblogger, you could be next. Check the CDP forum for the banner, or write me and I will send it to you.


Olivier said...

c'est une contre publicité qui est peinte sur l'affiche ?

Luis Gomez said...

That is a lot of mascara!

Thérèse said...


Gaelyn said...

Sure is a different kind of falsies. ;-) If I wore that much mascara I couldn't open my eyes.

Chuck Pefley said...


Good job on the banner ... I do hope it has some impact.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
Not the "Falsies" «Louis» remembers being discussed...but in those days, a woman wearing that much mascara could reasonably be expected to also be wearing 'falsies'! As you point out, these days, it would be (ahem) "better living through chemistry"...

Louis la Vache said...

...and could be justifiably accused of (ahem) "false advertising"!

Jilly said...

What an amazing and funny name for volume mascara!

MaryMoh said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm so sorry to know that your photos have been stolen. You really have awesome photos that many would love to buy and use on their blog. Protecting photos from being stolen unfortunately is more difficult as far as I read, and more difficult to detect. My best suggestion is to put watermark across the photos. As a reader, I don't mind that. Hope this helps. Have a nice day.

Lowell said...

I know of the original falsies, of which there were many varieties, as I recall, but I've not heard of Maybelline Falsies...


Daryl said...

Fabulous sign .. where shall I click to see if these thieves are ripping me off?

Alexa said...

Now that's the kind of "falsies" I need! The original kind? Not so much. :~)

Marie-Noyale said...

You must get a lot of compliments for your eyes!!!

Kim said...

I notice it's still billed as "volume express (TM) :-), which is what silicone leads to as well :-). Fun one!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.