Monday, May 24, 2010

The Moth

Do insects have a sense of humor? I am beginning to think so, for on one rare sunny afternoon last week (it's been raining and cloudy....) I glimpsed this colorful moth amidst some green leaves. I approached; off he went; ditto the second and third times. Finally he let me make a photograph, but only after he'd landed on an old rag...but a colorful one at that. I'm sure I heard him chuckle. blogger and one of my friends wrote to say this is a butterfly! I was looking at its fuzzy body, so I thought it was a moth... Well, whatever it is, the story's the same :)


San said...

A glorious composition. I believe that butterfly knew that such a backdrop would play up her natural beauty.

Gaelyn said...

And here I thought you'd thrown down your scarf for it.

When chasing flying subjects I get home to see some very unusual photos of.......what I am not sure. ;-)

Louis la Vache said...

I "moth" say you've composed a fine image here, Bibi!

Suburban Girl said...

I can hear him say, "Catch me if you can!"

Chuck Pefley said...

Mr. or Ms. Moth had been an interior designer in a previous life, and wanted to control the background -:)))

Thérèse said...

He just wanted the perfect setting for his portrait!

Virginia said...

I thought it was a pin of some sort pinned on the fabric. How gorgeous he was and you caught him perfectly.

Daryl said...

Not a moth at all.. a flutterby!

Lowell said...

Maybe you speak that language of the moths? Or maybe this one sensed you were a kind person who didn't want to hurt it, but merely preserve its beauty via a digital image.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!