I'm joining Louis La Vache's Sunday Bridges meme again. Above we see the bridge that one has to cross either before or after the border between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, near the town of Bjeljina that I visited last week. The girders seem pretty solid , but this is one narrow bridge and it's not in the best shape. I held my breath as this semi passed us.....
Join Louis' Sunday Bridges!
I love the shot...the lines and angles and the striking colors...but I would not, I repeat, would not want to meet that semi on this bridge!
A great bridge shot and a cool reflection to boot. I like it. :)
Great shot. Love that you are inside the car really cool!
«Louis» would be nervous, too, on that narrow bridge!
He thanks you for again joining his Sunday Bridges and «Louis» has linked it!
Pour le 1er Mai, «Louis» vous donne un bouquet de muguet!
Hmmm. It does look very narrow! There are rails too so I guess trains pass over this bridge as well. Looks like a bumpy ride to me. :)
Goodness! I would have been nervous too. Especially with a big semi headed straight at me. Glad you made it through, and with a picture too!
Those look like train (streetcar) tracks.
What a great shot out your front windshield! Did he scrape paint off the side of your car??
Tight squeeze!
wow...I am glad I wasn't driving! Nice shot.
Really is a great photo. Interesting to see the shared road - trains? & cars & BIG trucks - some at the same time. I don't know if I ever took this route, back in the day when going to Novi Sad from Tuzla. We used to take the hairpin dirt/rock road to Zvornik, then head toward the Autoput. But we must of passed close by. That was before the nice new road to Zupanja opened.
Whew, that is close! Do trains use the bridge too?
He does seem to be taking more than his share of the roadway. Good thing you held your breath, I think.
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