Wednesday, June 9, 2010

ABC Wednesday 'U' is for 'Uninterrupted'

I've seen 0-24 hour signs indicating that businesses work round the clock, but this car wash in New Belgrade really does offer uninterrupted service, even adding an extra hour for you! You get an extra U here with 'ulaz,' which means 'entrance.'

See what other U's bloggers have come up with on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

It's always a good time to have your car wash.

Louis la Vache said...

Clever interpretation of tht "U" meme, Bibi.

Gaelyn said...

I sure could use some extra hours sometimes.

Sylvia K said...

Ah, couldn't we all???

Tash said...

You know, I would really utilize this, probably at the 25th hour! We have a car wash right around the corner...but my car is always in need of a wash. I'm lucky it's the ubiquitous silver.
Unique find for U.

Alexa said...

Don''t have a car, but sure could use an extra hour in my day!

Olivier said...

une publicité qui plairait à notre président "Travailler plus pour gagner plus" ;o)) maintenant la journée de 25 heures ;o))

Roger Owen Green said...

USUALLY don't get an extra hour UNTIL daylight saving time ends...

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Lowell said...

Love the night shot and the colors! Very well done. We have a couple of car washes in Ocala - Cactus and Soapy's. I have no idea whey they'd call a car wash, "Cactus."

25-hour days are a bit unusual, however.

Thérèse said...

I'll take the extra hour! even for a fee...

Leif Hagen said...

I'd definitely try out that car wash - it's just how to get my car there ....

Suburban Girl said...

Wouldn't that extra hour be nice, then we would all have time to wash our cars!

Kitty said...

ha, clever.
Maybe you tell time differently there? but I would have been confused by such a sign. It's not obvious that it means hours of service to me. Looks most like a building number

B SQUARED said...

I wonder how much business they can do in the middle of the night?

brenda w said...

Just knowing you can wash your car at 3 a.m. must bring such a feeling of . . . (who cares?) I'm with B SQUARED, can't imagine they'd do much business.

Great picture, though. It's nice to see the world through the lens of others.

photowannabe said...

There are times I could use 25 hours in my day.
Great choices for the letter U.

EG CameraGirl said...

Truth in advertising? I wonder where they find that extra hour. If you find out, let me know. :)

Daryl said...

I love places that are open all the time .. there's The Burger (and Pizza) Joint which has a sign that they are open 23 hrs a day with one hour devoted to cleaning up ..

Tumblewords: said...

They've found the extra hour we've all been seeking. Good for them. A clever U post!

Anajifos said...
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Pat said...

Hi, Kitty!

The 24-hour clock is quite commonly used in Europe, so most people here understand this sign. I've gotten used to it, too. I always think of the old riddle I learned as a kid, 'What time is it when the clock strikes 13?' Answer: time to get the clock fixed. Here that would not be understood, since 13 o'clock would be 1 p.m.!

Brenda/BSquared--I've taken my car there many a time very late, and I'm sometimes not the only one! Belgrade too is the city that never sleeps!

Sofi said...

Must find this one. Must ask them if they do car wash for free if you pop into the shop during that 25th hour :)
As if the shop owner has something to do with Hogwarts!

Kim said...

Super night shot Bibi! Your commenters crack me up today, so clever and witty. So, why is the main sign in English (or is car wash spelled "car wash" in Serbian?

Carol said...

Love the photo! The 25th hour is about the time I get around to taking my car to a car wash - guess you realize that means my cars don't sparkle! I was more motivated when we lived in SoCal, since we went to a car wash that also served Blended Mocha or hot mocha and other espresso drinks. The coffee made it a pleasure to wait. said...

wow, I've never seen a 24 hour car wash before!
cool photo Bibi.

Serline said...

That's what I call service 110%! Oops, more like 104.167 % ;-P


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.