Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm watching you...

For the most part, cats make me nervous. This is my friend's cat, and I think it knows I prefer dogs...gosh, I don't even know if it is a he or a she...


Luis Gomez said...

Bibi, this made me laugh. I am a dog person myself. I guess you should start by finding out at least what the name of the cat is and then see how it goes.

Tash said...

Super cool shot...definitely presents the wild animal in the domestic cat view.
I'm more of a cat person so poor Amy takes 2nd place with me after the two gray fluff balls. But don't feel bad for her, she gets soooooooooo much adoration from the man of the house. (I wonder if it is related to what first animal one had as a child.)

Z said...

I don't like cats either.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

she/he looks like a fierce panther

dianasfaria.com said...

they do have a tendency to give the death stare don't they?
Our Sylvia, God rest her soul, grew on me over time.
Lucky for us she adopted our family otherwise I would have never known what a complete joy having a cat for a pet could be and I'm allergic to them too!

Olivier said...

quel beaux yeux , une petite panthère.

Thérèse said...

Same as you, I am always nervous around cats... but I am learning to accept them more and more...

Kim said...

Well, I guess I'm your crazy cat lady fried :-). I love all pets, really, but my favorite pets have been cats. I think Chuck joins me in his special fondness for felines. Mind you, just like dogs, one won't find a good fit in personality with just any cat. We had a couple that were distant, but the two we have now are such great companions, almost cloyingly sweet. I like dog sitting friends dogs, but am happy they don't live at my house. This kitty looks a wee bit annoyed by the camera :-).

Chuck Pefley said...

Chuck does indeed have a special fondness for feline friends! Cats, of course, are mostly their own beings. I believe dogs have owners while cats have staff. If you're not interested in being subservient, then you're probably better off with the canine rather than a feline. -:)))

For the record, I'm quite fond of dogs as well, though would prefer a cat for company most of the time.

Bergson said...

his name is bog brother ?

Kitty said...


I love all animals. Though I heard this long ago - if you pass away in your apartment, your cat will eat you but your dog will not, out of loyalty.

I believe it is an 'urban myth', lol but I love to mention it to my cat-owning friends.

Not sure why so many people don't like cats. A lot of people are also freaked out by birds.

Gaelyn said...

Such a dramatic close up. I'm a dog girl, but like cats too.

Suburban Girl said...

Well you captured that 'I'm so hard to impress' cat look!

Louis la Vache said...

That cat does look a bit annoyed...

«Louis» prefers dogs as pets, but hasn't had either for quite some time.

Daryl said...

Cats are so unimpressed ... and I dont think you should take his/her aloofness personally....

Saretta said...


Alexa said...

We had a dog when I was little (whom I grew to adore), but I've become a cat person. You may not like felines much, Bibi, but you've captured this one for sure!

Anajifos said...
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Sofi said...

Like you, Bibi, I'm also a dog person. But I must confess - this one is saying "cats rule". Respect for the "kitty" :)
And, of course, a great photo!

Marie-Noyale said...

You managed to make it pretty scary!!

Serline said...

This kitty is certainly not Garfield...

Suburban Girl said...

I think both our kitties were not in the mood to be photographed! :)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.