Wednesday, June 16, 2010

ABC Wednesday "V" is for "variegated"

I don't collect rocks...or then again, perhaps I do. I have two baskets full of stones I've picked up here and there during my travels. Variegated they are, or at least most of them.

Do you collect anything?

Visit other V's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

These are really nice. I collect coffee mugs from the cities I visit.

Sylvia K said...

Lovely, colorful and interesting rocks! I frequently pick them up when I'm at the beach when the tide is out and always find interesting ones. Hope your week is off to a good start! Enjoy!


Mara said...

And one that looks violet as well, another great V!

Leslie: said...

Do you remember where you collected one from? Could be a great story here. I love this sort of collection - here at the Pacific Coast, we tend to look more for shells, but I know my girls collected fancy rocks when they were little. And my Dad even made a "pet rock" for one of them, complete with stand and engraving. lol

Suburban Girl said...

They have beautiful colors. I think I have one similar to the one in the lower middle. I don;t collect them either, but when I see a pretty one I pick it up.

photowannabe said...

Love your collection. the are such a variety of colors and textures.
I have far too many collections. Its time to stop...

Kim, USA said...

These stones are pretty and they are colorful what a great find you've got here. Happy Wednesday!

ABC Wednesday~V

Anonymous said...

Wonderful picture indeed ! It is mostly books that I do collect. Please have a wonderful Wednesday.

daily athens

Wanda said...

Would you call that the "Veriegated Rock and Roll"

Nice basket of rocks.

Tumblewords: said...

Nothing better than a bucket, basket or cache of rocks to admire. Nice grouping and terrific photo.

Jama said...

Very nice collection!

Gaelyn said...

I'd say you do collect rocks, and very nice ones at that. I'm always picking up rocks from places I go. Even brought a few home from South Africa.

Olivier said...

Je collectes les vieux appareils photos, les polaroids et les vieux romans policiers avec leur couverture d'origine

Tash said...

Funny about those non-collectables. You said it best...very veriegated.
Is that an obsidian rock too? I 1st encountered those on a hike btw Mammoth and June lake, by ... Obsidian Dome. What a marvel.

Gayle said...

Such a wonderful collection of stones and such variety of color. I used to collect sea shells and liked how they each was so unique.

Ingrid said...

A real beautiful picture ! very creative !

Chuck Pefley said...

Two baskets full or rocks sounds to me like a collection.

And yes ... I think I collect scooters -:)

jingle said...

cute and fun v post.

Roger Owen Green said...

I guess I collect music. I have colllected stamps and coins. VERY good word!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Sofi said...

Mmmmmm.... "smells" like a wonderful holiday at some nice beach.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful these rocks are - colored like jewels!

I have baskets of rocks myself that I collect all around Lake Michigan.

There is something about their permanence as witnesses to history that greatly appeals to me.

Liliana Holtzman said...

That was me who made that comment about rocks and Lake Michigan. Sorry!

Lowell said...

Lois does the same thing - picks up rocks from where we travel. She believes rocks have "energy" and especially likes crystals, which she believes, have "healing energy."

I'm not sure about all that, but she has some beautiful, "variegated" rocks!

Nicely done!

Serline said...

Interesting, then again, they all look unique. What do I collect? Old letters and cards from the ones I love...

Thérèse said...

I thought for a while about an eggplant in the middle of the rocks...
Yes a couple of rocks picked here and there and backscratchers!

Thérèse said...

Your picture is beautiful!

Daryl said...

I am not a collector, but have several collections others have begun for me .. mugs, friends travel and bring me back mugs .. and fridge magnets ... I wish often they'd send me money, I wouldnt mind collecting that .. of course I prefer to collect US dollars ... so if anyone wants to help me start collecting that, I am happy to receive dollars, cents ..

Jay said...

Of course you're a collector! Just not a hobbyist collector! LOL!

I'm attracted to rocks and stones, too. They're utterly fascinating! Love the colours in your collection!

Marie-Noyale said...

First I saw bread or cookies...
may be it's a sign I am hungry!!

I collect rubans from the presentS I get!!!!

Leif Hagen said...

That's quite an assortment of rocks! Gets to be a heavy, heavy collection!

Alexa said...

Rocks are one of my favorite things to bring home as souvenirs of my travels (my best ones are from beaches and extinct volcanoes on Greek islands). That's a lovely collection you have there!

mrsnesbitt said...

Thanks so much for your contribution -hmmmmmmm do I collect anything? I would have to say duck and geese ornaments! Sadly we lost our gander last week but the wonderful photos, pictures and objects around our home will ensure his memory lives on!

I try to visit as many contributors as possible each week but sometimes I just dont manage it, but we have a great ABC team and between us we see that everybody gets a comment. We are coming to the end of the current round and plans are in store for the next round, I do hope you will be part of the fun! If you would like to be part of the team just drop me an e-mail :-

Denise Nesbitt
ABC Wednesday founder & team member

denisebydesigns at googlemail dot com


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.