Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pesky and useful

When I was growing up in Pennsylvania, this plant was considered a weed. We kids used to make a loop of them stem and shoot the tops off at each other. However, plantago lanceolata , also called ribwort plantain, is a plant often used in herbal remedies.

Maybe. But I still think it's fun to shoot the tops off.

P.S. I'm adding this at 9 p.m. my time since Chuck and Louis were interested in how to pop the heads off this weed! Well, just to show you that you can find EVERYTHING on the Internet, have a look HERE.


Gaelyn said...

I'll bet that was fun.
I've eaten plantain gathered in the Pacific Northwest forests.

Thérèse said...

Sounds like fun. Something to try when I'll meet one next time!

Tash said...

Great photo-shooting of tops too, "Bibi"! Defines the term photo-graphy.

Luis Gomez said...

Used to do the same!

Olivier said...

une tres belle photo de cette fleur, avec une superbe profondeur de champs

Suburban Girl said...

Used to do the same thing! But you made a photo of beauty of it.

Daryl said...

I dont think I've ever seen that weed before ... does it grow out of a leaf bed that sort of looks like a lettuce? Gotta go Google ..

Chuck Pefley said...

I must have had a deprived childhood. Missed out on that fun, and am still trying to figure out how you "shoot" the head of this plant. Interesting looking flora, Bibi. said...

this is so pretty Bibi! I love the contrasts here. especially the little white petals.

Louis la Vache said...

Chuck wrote what «Louis» was thinking!

San said...

That's a beautiful weed, Bibi.

I hope you don't mind: I posted your photo of the work of the Belgrade graffiti artist whose work resembles mine. Or is it the other way around??

Alexa said...

. . . and beautiful! I thought the same as Chuck too.

Thérèse said...

Cela m'incite a continuer cette collection de gramines.Beau retour en arriere.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.